Saturday, June 20, 2020

Boogie On Down To The Rally Tonight

I do believe this young lady captures a certain reality and ethos quite effectively:

Not sure if the youngsters below would agree, but they do validate the above, don't you think?


  1. At first I felt a bit angry but there's no point in getting emotionally invested in this lunacy. I think America is irreparably broken. This RWE threat, right wing extremism, can't be curbed, even in Canada.

    1. I read your post, Mound. RWE is another pandemic the world must contend with, but the battle in the U.S. was lost a long time ago, it would seem.

  2. .. Re that last group.. They raise a question or two for me. Can they not read ? Can they follow a simple factual thread. Is their 'thinking' hard wired at birth ? Or are they shaping it (the act of 'thinking') at home ie within or via their environment ?

    Another question.. if the attend school or some alternate mode of education.. what of their teacher(s) .. and assuming their educational environment includes adults horrified by young people like this who are such obvious dullards ?

    I guess my sneak question.. is.. If these children can read.. what on earth are they reading ?

    My final thought though.. is a warning. Keep in mind that in Canada we have a major 'Political Party' - The Conservative Party of Canada.. that is being taken over parasitically at the riding campaign level.. ie where & how electoral candidates are selected for Federal Elections.. by a RWE evangelical 'movement'. Do 'we' (the royal we) find that acceptable ? That 'OUR' governance can be captured by the likes of a William Barr, a Lindsey Graham or a Derek Sloan or a Jason Kenney ?

    1. You are quite correct that Canada is hardly immune to the insidious and corrosive effects of RWE, Sal. I'm sure you saw the Mound's post the other day about its pervasive online presence. That being said, it seems the U.S. is in a class all its own.

      I doubt the aforementioned Camille and Haley read anything other than the scroll running beneath Fox News, which seems to be a major source of 'edification' for the benighted souls south of us.
