There is little doubt in my mind that the economic chaos defining the lives of millions of people is intentional, not just so their labour can be exploited as cheaply as possible, but also because desperate citizens make for compliant and disciplined drones. Historically, it has usually been thus, with the elites calling the shots while the rest scramble for meager existences, through no fault of their own other than their place in the embryo lottery.
When you are in a position of economic security, it is much easier to follow the corporate/political intrigue that continues to debase our democracy and degrade our humanity. Unfortunately, that position of security is constituted by an increasingly small segment of the non-elite population.
So if your life isn't consumed by trying to simply keep body and soul together, you might find some articles on Edward Snowden of real interest, especially given the questions that they raise about what limits should exist in a democracy, and whether people living in a putative democracy have the right to know whether they are being spied upon en masse:
Why Edward Snowden, NSA whistleblower, is more hero than traitor by Tony Burman.
Edward Snowden is messenger, not message by Heather Mallick.
In praise of Bradley Manning and Edward Snowden by Rick Salutin.
And from the man who brought Snowden's revelations to the world, On Prism, partisanship and propaganda by Glenn Greenwald.