Showing posts with label don trump coward. Show all posts
Showing posts with label don trump coward. Show all posts

Saturday, August 31, 2024

More On The Arlington Debacle

In my previous entry, I posted a clip that the Trump campaign is now using of Don's visit to Arlington, disgracing the memory of the dead and egregiously flouting the prohibition against pictures and videos being taken there.

In this segment, we see The Cowardly One deny any responsibility for. what took place:

Republicans against Trump

Wow. This is a new low, even for Trump. 

“It Was a Setup,” “Could have been the parents” Trump tries to blame Gold Star families for the Arlington incident.

Like the 'good soldier' he is,  J D Vance issued this stout defence of Trump while denigrating Kamal Harris:

Ah, but the feckless Vance was no match for this former Marine and widow whose husband died for his country:

🇺🇸USMC Veteran and Gold Star Widow Katherine Wyatt has a question for 


 about Trump's Arlington stunt: 

"Instead of trying to appeal to the moral consciousness of Donald Trump because I don't believe he has any...Where is your integrity, Marine?

My good friend Dom, an astute observer and critical thinker to whom I sent the above clip, had this to say about Vance:

Vance is a pull-toy of Peter Thiel. He is beholden to him as Peter funded his company, and also advised Trump to select him as VP. He is whoever Peter tells him to be. Both men are his play toys devoid of any self respect. Vance is the perfect match for Donnie: the King of self loathing and insecurity. 

The Silicon Broligarchs, are no longer hiding their alt right views. Musk, Thiel, Anderson, Altman, Zuckerberg, et. al, believe they own the future and believe they also own America. They have made it clear who they want in office whose mandate will be to remove and punish anyone in their way.

God save America.

To all of this, I have nothing to add, but you might be interested in an article from The Guardian in which writer Kevin Carroll offers his evaluation of Trump. Hint: it is not flattering.

Thursday, August 29, 2024

UPDATED:Exploiting The Dead

You have likely heard about the debacle at Arlington National Cemetery where Don Trump and his team took pictures and video of him laying a wreath honouring the war dead. Steve Benen writes:

As the week got underway, Donald Trump probably thought going to Arlington National Cemetery would be a good idea. The former president, despite his awful record related to respecting U.S. troops and veterans, appeared eager on Monday to exploit the third anniversary of a terrorist attack in Afghanistan that killed 13 U.S. service members and more than 150 Afghans.

The first problem is that such video incursions are forbidden in the military cemetery. The second problem is the fact that this cowardly, bone-spurred military refusenik has incorporated the video into his campaign, as you can see in the video below.

Jules Morgan 🧸


There it is, his disgusting campaign video and the real reason he went to Arlington Cemetery. Like and repost the video so that everyone will see the truth.

Americans are said to revere their military. I can't help but wonder how the true patriots feel about this transparent and disgusting ploy by Trump to elevate himself at the expense of the dead.

UPDATE: This voice from the heartland sets the record straight about Trump: