I was in my local LCBO yesterday buying a couple of craft beers when, waiting in line, I overheard an interesting conversation. A woman, perhaps in her thirties, was talking to an older gentleman who was buying a bottle of Havana Club rum. While I overheard only part of the conversation, prompted, I guess, by the absence of American alcohol, it went something like this:
"We are such a small market that anything we do has no effect on the Americans. So, I say, enjoy what you want."
I couldn't resist offering a fact-check, and I told her that the American distilleries were indeed suffering, and that we do have a substantial impact since the LCBO is the one of the largest purchasers of booze in the world. Her reply was a perfunctory, disinterested, "Oh, is that right?" I assume she then returned to her insular world, where things are as she ordains them to be.
I was neither surprised nor upset by her perspective, but the incident was yet another reminder of the cocoons in which too many people envelop themselves, aided and abetted by highly 'curated' sources of information that serve only to reinforce one's beliefs and prejudices. Social media and right-wing news sources are often the main culprits.
I have a relative whose son has a worldview totally dictated by such sources, much to the consternation of his parents. Married with two children, he seems to be in love with the U.S. and would gladly see Canada absorbed by that diseased nation. A staunch PP supporter, he saw Trudeau as a traitor to our nation. Additionally, he sees the world as a dangerous place, having chosen to homeschool his children lest they be indoctrinated by the 'woke agenda' of public education.
And speaking of PP, another person who likes to traffick in disinformation, I offer a comment from lungta on yesterday's post, which dealt with Conservative campaign tactics:
Think 'lil pp is playing out of the drumpf playbook. Smith (TC Dani) went silent to win in Alberta too. Kamala had a textbook oldschool campaign , remember? And there is the "moron mining" on those vlog sites where you have no responsibility to know the truth, no responsibility to tell the truth, only a drive to mobilize the morons to get out and vote , probably for the first time. That's the audience 'lil pp is appealing to.The big blue tent has the fundamentalists and proud boys already. Just trigger those other guys .
A sadness of democracy, as we know it, is there is no requirement to have any understanding of anything let alone political policy to play.My optimism is tempered by those previous results.
Now, more than ever, knowing about the world is crucial to our national survival. While it often seems like a thankless task, we have no choice but to continue our efforts to inform and be informed, take action and expect results. We cannot aspire to anything less in these troubled times.