My, my, my, they are incorrigible, aren't they?
Reflections, Observations, and Analyses Pertaining to the Canadian Political Scene
While even I can reach my saturation point when it comes to tales of Senate fraud and corruption, I found this portrait of Senator Pam Wallin in today's Toronto Star rather interesting. Apparently the former broadcaster is known for her political ambitions, having unseated and replaced Liberal Colin Kenney from the chairmanship of the powerful Senate committee on national security and defence.
The article notes that since her elevation, the committee has become far less critical of government policy. As well,
The ascendancy has fuelled speculation in some circles in the red chamber that she has her eye on the top job, government leader in the Senate, a position that means she would be a member of cabinet.
Tim Harper has more to say about the prospect of Wallin taking over the position, currently occupied by Marjory LeBreton, in his column, also found in today's edition.
Expect this soap opera known as the Senate to continue playing on indefinitely.