Readers of a certain vintage will remember the old RCA Victor logo, "His Master's Voice," shown above. It depicts a loyal dog dutifully listening to what he believes is that actual voice, although it is emanating from a facsimile, i.e., a record. I couldn't help but think of that ad as I saw this picture:

I believe that Mr. Christie has fooled himself into thinking he is hearing the real Donald Trump, now his master, but like the RCA logo, he is being misled. And he is paying a heavy price.
The New York Times has had a field day reporting on the reactions Christie's servility is provoking:
Six New Jersey newspapers issued a joint editorial calling for Mr. Christie’s resignation on Tuesday, an extraordinary show of disgust on the same day that the publisher of a major newspaper in New Hampshire took the unusual (and seemingly unnecessary) step of rescinding its previous pledge of support for him as a presidential candidate.Ridicule is pervasive, with the NYT dismissing him as just an overgrown 'fanboy.' But that seems mild compared to some of the pictures making the Internet rounds:
“Boy, were we wrong,” read the scalding essay in The New Hampshire Union Leader, which lamented that “rather than stand up to the bully, Christie bent his knee” to Mr. Trump.
Digitally altered images rendered Mr. Christie as a docile doorman at Trump Tower and compared him, uncharitably, to a panting dog standing beside its master.From my perspective, however, this non-altered image says it all:

Christie's self-debasement is without doubt motivated by an overweening desire to be selected as Trump's running mate; however, my belief is that Trump is merely providing a platform for the New Jersey governor to 'show his stuff' and attract more mainstream Republicans to his side. After that is accomplished, Mr. Christie will likely find himself meeting the same fate as so many others did on the show that made the short-fingered vulgarian such a household name, The Apprentice:

Probably a fitting fate for a man who has reminded all of us that politics is the world's second-oldest profession.