I hope, for the sake of their well-being, that each loyal soldier in the Doug Ford regime has a gym membership they regularly use. Otherwise, I fear they will sustain myriad and grievous injuries to their joints and sinews. Twisting oneself out of shape while proclaiming black is white and lies are truth can exact a horrible toll.
Perhaps somewhat ironically, the one whose well-being I currently feel the most concern for is Health Minister Christine Elliott, a once principled and competent woman who, upon entering the Ford cabinet, has proven to be, along with Attorney General Caroline Mulroney, most adept at amazing feats of contortion.
Consider the following from Rob Ferguson:
Layoffs of 44 staff at the Ontario Telemedicine Network following a funding cut by Premier Doug Ford’s government won’t curb plans to provide more virtual care to patients across the province, Health Minister Christine Elliott maintains.Elliott seems to be an unabashed enthusiast of the far-right's core belief: less is more:
Elliott said Wednesday none of the cuts at the telemedicine network were front-line care providers and called the firings “reasonable and pragmatic.”
“It doesn’t mean that we take any ... direction away from digitization. It is vitally important in our modernization of our health-care system.”Those who have not consumed that particular variety of Kool-Aid beg to differ:
... Green Leader Mike Schreiner said the health minister failed to explain how telemedicine remains a priority, particularly for remote and rural areas with less access to medical professionals than major cities.Until we all get "with the program," the vast majority of us, I suspect, will share Mr. Schreiner's bewilderment.
“This government is so full of contradictions. It’s one after another. They say they support something and then they turn around and cut it. Telemedicine is just one example of that,” Schreiner added.
“The other one is they said they’re all for adapting to climate change and then they cut the tree-planting program and the flood prevention program.”