For those seeking to ingest 'the herb' legally and are looking forward to the opening of bricks and mortar stores in Ontario April 1st, Premier Doug Ford has taken all of the guesswork out of finding such emporiums. Conveniently, they will be be found within 150 metres of schools.
The real story for me, however, is the brazen contempt for truth and language that Doug and his enablers are indulging in as he betrays an election promise:
“I won’t put it besides schools like you did,” Ford said in a spring election debate to then-premier Kathleen Wynne. The Liberal government had planned to open its first state-run marijuana outlet 450 metres from Blantyre Public School in Scarborough."That the Ford government is betraying basic safety measures to keep cannabis out of the hands of young people is not lost on some people:
“It’s troubling that Doug Ford’s latest back-door decision — this time to allow pot shops to move within a stone’s throw of kids’ schools — was done without any consultation with parents or communities,” said Deputy NDP Leader Sara Singh.However, in the world we now inhabit, black is white and white is black. Consider the words of Attorney General Caroline Mulroney who, each time she speaks, seems to slide further and further into self-induced whoredom, as she
... insisted the guidelines, including the smaller distance buffer from schools, are in the best interest of the public.In the corrupted currents of this world, Mulroney's words no doubt will be lapped up by those insensate Ford supporters who, like their Trump counterparts in the United States, stand by their man and his underlings unconditionally. In their cult-like devotion, they can see only one 'truth', that which is pronounced by their dear leader.
“The purpose of these regulations is to keep kids safe and to ensure all people operating in this tightly-regulated retail system behave with integrity, honesty, and in the public interest,” she said in a statement released over the supper hour.
The hours of opening “are consistent with on-site retail stores for alcohol and will provide retailers with the flexibility to respond to local market conditions and consumer demands,” the statement added, referring to LCBO agency stores that are part of convenience, hardware and other stores in rural and remote areas where there are no liquor stores nearby.
It must be nice to live with such certitude. However, for those of us who retain some critical faculties, these are bleak days indeed.
I don't give Hillary credit very often but she nailed it when she called these types "deplorables." I might be reluctant to say that except that I've pretty much given up on the chances of restoring social cohesion in this current political morass.
ReplyDeleteOne other thing, your "whoredom" reference. That recalls Mulroney's ridicule of former Trudeau minister, Bryce Mackasey, when he said, "there's no whore like an old whore." That was when Turner appointed Mackasey ambassador to Portugal. Mulroney fired Mackasey and then gave the post to his very own old whore, Lloyd Francis, he of the snow white hair.
ReplyDeleteWhoredom seems to be a Mulroney family trait, Mound, although I suspect Caroline is moving into a whole new class of it as she embraces daily debasement.