In my view, this next story has absolutely no redemptive value. Nothing good emerges from such a grievous, historic injustice. And there can be no redemptive value in a recantation rendered when approaching the end of life.
Yet despite, or perhaps because of, its ugliness, it is important for all of us to bear witness. Emmett Till was a person, one who had barely tasted life, when he fell victim to a monumental, monstrous hate crime. And the even greater evil is that he is but one of countless others who suffered such cruel fates owing to a system racism that is far from eradicated, even in the 21st century.
And if you have never heard it, give a listen to Billie Holiday's haunting and unforgettable Strange Fruit.
Reflections, Observations, and Analyses Pertaining to the Canadian Political Scene
Showing posts with label rascism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rascism. Show all posts
Monday, February 20, 2017
Wednesday, September 7, 2016
Kellie Leitch's Canada?
Thanks to Alison for this:

Meanwhile, Leitch's colleagues don't appear to favour her approach. Deepak Obhrai, who filed his own leadership candidacy papers yesterday, had this to say:

Meanwhile, Leitch's colleagues don't appear to favour her approach. Deepak Obhrai, who filed his own leadership candidacy papers yesterday, had this to say:
What I am really concerned about is the tone and the message this question puts forward. As you know, right now, there has been, during the British exit, Donald Trump, those anti-immigrant parties in Europe and everywhere have been giving a negative message about immigration. Nobody's talking about the merits of immigration. This country was built by immigration. USA was built by immigration. So immigration has been completely a positive thing in a country. It has been a strength for that country. Yet, we have seen this negativism going into the fears that somebody has about immigration.In response to Leitch's sudden 'passion' for Canadian values, Obhrai opined,
They are world values, everywhere. When immigrants come here they already have those values. [...] Most immigrants are already following them at their own homes. There is nothing new about Canadian values. Which is why everyone is having trouble with what is a Canadian value. A Canadian value should be what is in the Charter of rights -- the right for religious freedom, the right to speak, the press and all your basic rights. That is the Canadian values that is not in many countries. But being anti-violent, being anti-abusing women...these are values which are universal.Expect the condemnation of Leitch's approach by Obhrai and several other leadership contenders to have no impact on the psyche of this strange, strange leadership hopeful. She appears to be deaf to everything, save the shrill sound of the dog whistle.
Monday, September 5, 2016
Is This Kellie Leitch's Constituency?
As Montreal Simon's recent post makes abundantly clear, Kellie Leitch is a pathetic human being. Her recent embrace of divisive 'dog-whistle' politics leaves no doubt about her manifest unfitness to hold public office, let alone lead the Conservative Party.
Perhaps The Soldiers of Odin, now setting up shop in Edmonton, is her new but limited constituency?
About 10 men, all are wearing matching insignia on their backs, a Norse horned helmet with a Canadian flag for a beard, have been seen patrolling the city's streets at least twice, on July 23 and Aug. 28.
While some see them as protectors, others consider them glaring examples of the worst in society.
As a response to the influx of refugees, the group was founded in late 2015 in Finland by Mika Ranta, a self-proclaimed white supremacist. Since that time it has become international, with local chapters forming in cities and provinces across Canada this year.
According to social media posts by the group, marches have also taken place in B.C. and Ontario.
The cancer is, in fact, spreading:
Soldiers of Odin — a group critics denounce as a racist hate group that is anti-Muslim and anti-immigration — is setting up in Hamilton.But apparently there is no cause for alarm. SOO national president Joel Angott
denies that the group is anti-immigration, or anti-Muslim, although the group's bylaws lament the government "accepting refugees from countries that hate us" and "letting illegal aliens into this country and giving them the ability to vote and drive."But perhaps a clearer definition of their orientation is needed. To elaborate on the above, consider more of what the bylaws and the 'president' of this 'organization' have to say:
We believe that the higher authorities are failing the Canadian citizens. Between the allowing of illegal aliens into this country and giving them the ability to vote and drive, accepting refugees from countries that hate us while Canadians are on the streets, releasing confirmed terrorists back to their organizations to cause more havoc against Canada and demonizing anything that has to do with European Culture to try and create racial tensions to turn citizens on one another' we as Soldiers Of Odin realize that it is time to take back our streets, provinces, and country.
Angott said the group is "for sustainable immigration," meaning that the government thoroughly screens new immigrants, and they "want to come in and follow Canadian law."This kind of thinly-disguised racism needs to be widely and loudly condemned. There is no middle ground here, simply because this ilk insists on dealing in absolutes and popular prejudices. They are not to be reasoned with, understood, justified or condoned. To do any of these is to be complicit in their evil.
"We don't want people coming in and pushing any kind of agenda on Canada," he said.
I shall leave the final word to Hamilton city councillor Matthew Green, who expresses his own thoughts on the need for vigilance in the protection of the values balanced, fair-minded Canadians hold:
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