Showing posts with label drug-addled bloviators. Show all posts
Showing posts with label drug-addled bloviators. Show all posts

Friday, December 16, 2022

UPDATED: Look Who's Talking

I know that Donnie Jr. has had a rough time, what with his cocaine addiction, limited intellect, hellish girlfriend and an incompetent narcissist of a father. As well, I suspect his acquaintance with 'real work' is peripheral at best and largely informed by second-hand accounts. 

But only in Amerika will you see the privileged scion of its chief grifter pontificating about life in the 'real world' as he bashes people 'whining 'about losing their jobs. 

Junior says the people just laid off at Washington Post are all Gen Z and Millennials who grew up spoiled rich kids who never had to survive in the real world and make it on their own.

h/t Ron Filipkowski

UPDATE: My friend Gary just dropped me a note pointing out something that had escaped my notice - the bookshelf behind Donnie has no books, only pictures. I wrote back to him that it probably makes perfect sense, given that he is the son of a man who thinks he knows everything. 

What a legacy!