While corporations continue the arduous task of union-busting and
contract-gutting, their efforts are being amply rewarded. Not only has a beneficent and ideologically-driven Harper government cossetted them with a record-low
tax rate, but the captains of industry who lead these voracious job-destroying entities are also prospering quite nicely thanks to compliant and obsequious boards. To put their good fortune into perspective, according to a
report published Tuesday by the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, by lunchtime today, Jan. 3,
the highest-paid chief executives officers in Canada will have earned as much as the average Canadian makes in an entire year.
As announced in
The Star today, while the majority of Canadian workers are struggling with either stagnant, eroding or minimum wages, in 2010 those toiling as corporate CEO's, regardless of company performance, garnered an average 27% increase in remuneration over the previous year, while by comparison,
the average Canadian earned $44,366 that year, or 1.1 per cent more than in 2009.
I ardently await the renewal of the Occupy Movement.