Unequivocally evil is the only phrase I can think of to describe this ecological and environmental outrage. Read the story and draw your own conclusions:
Ottawa removing North Pacific humpback whales from list of ‘threatened’ species
Reflections, Observations, and Analyses Pertaining to the Canadian Political Scene
Given the recent spate of 'bad luck' experienced by Enbridge over its propensity for oil spills, the Harper regime knows it is facing an uphill battle to convince Canadians that the company can guarantee the environmental integrity of the lands over which its pipelines run. In his column today, Tim Harper points out that because the government is running out of opponents to vilify, it is trying a new tact through its mouthpiece, senior minister for B.C./Heritage Minister James Moore:
“This project will not survive public scrutiny unless Enbridge takes far more seriously (its) obligations to engage with the public and to answer those very legitimate questions about the way in which they have operated their business in the very recent past,” Moore said.
Wow! A Harper minion talking tough to business! That surely will solve all the problems, especially when the company repackages its empty and worthless assurances in a new communications' campaign.
And Moore's 'outspokenness' should certainly dispel any impression that Harper Inc. is simply a tool of big business interests.
UPDATE: The emptiness of Moore's rhetoric is attested to, I think, by this announcement today by the federal government.