Showing posts with label donald trump idiocy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label donald trump idiocy. Show all posts

Friday, December 27, 2024

"A Mean-Spirited Buffoon": Charlie Angus Speaks Again

A shame, in many ways, that Charlie Angus is not running in the next election. Thus far, he seems to be the only politician to call Trump what he is: a mean-spirited buffoon. As you watch, you will see that Angus has Wayne Gretzky's number as well.

All in all, some very astute and satisfying assessments.

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

It's Like Listening To A Deranged Bizarro Jerry Seinfeld

Pay no attention to the talking fool. Judging by the following video of a Trump rally, many, many agreed.

Please note that I only listened to about 1;30 minutes of this bore, and out of consideration for readers of this blog, that is all I will put up here from a 33 minute 'free association' by the Orange Oaf which he undoubtedly thought was virtuoso riffing. If you want to hear more (but why would you?) simply click on Walter Masterson's feed:

Here is 35 unedited minutes showing thousands of MAGA walking out on Trump while he’s still talking.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

An Accelerated Deterioration

With the exception of his mindless cheerleaders and coterie of sycophants, it is obvious to the world that Donald Trump has led the United States into a steep, perhaps irreversible, decline. His response to the Covid-19 crisis has only accelerated that process.

And the public record, unlike Trump, does not lie.

About his early response to the crisis, Edward Luce writes:
People often observed during Trump’s first three years that he had yet to be tested in a true crisis. Covid-19 is way bigger than that. “Trump’s handling of the pandemic at home and abroad has exposed more painfully than anything since he took office the meaning of America First,” says William Burns, who was the most senior US diplomat, and is now head of the Carnegie Endowment.

“America is first in the world in deaths, first in the world in infections and we stand out as an emblem of global incompetence. The damage to America’s influence and reputation will be very hard to undo.”
Trump's refusal to heed warnings about what was coming was nothing short of criminal, and will likely be apparent to all if and when a commission of inquiry into the pandemic response is struck:
The inquiry would find that Trump was warned countless times of the epidemic threat in his presidential daily briefings, by federal scientists, the health secretary Alex Azar, Peter Navarro, his trade adviser, Matt Pottinger, his Asia adviser, by business friends and the world at large. Any report would probably conclude that tens of thousands of deaths could have been prevented – even now as Trump pushes to “liberate” states from lockdown.

“It is as though we knew for a fact that 9/11 was going to happen for months, did nothing to prepare for it and then shrugged a few days later and said, ‘Oh well, there’s not much we can do about it,’” says Gregg Gonsalves, a public health scholar at Yale University. “Trump could have prevented mass deaths and he didn’t.”
True to form, the Infant-in-Chief blames others for his manifest failures, China and The Who not the least:
A meeting of G7 foreign ministers in March failed to agree on a statement after Mike Pompeo, the US secretary of state, insisted they brand it the “Wuhan virus”.

Most dramatically, Trump has suspended US funding of the WHO, which he says covered up for China’s lying.

Trump alleged the WHO’s negligence had increased the world’s death rate “twenty-fold”. In practice, the body must always abide by member state limits, especially the big ones, notably the US and China. That is the reality for all multilateral bodies. The WHO nevertheless declared an international emergency six weeks before Trump’s US announcement.
So where does all the blaming, the posturing, the incompetence of a depraved president lead to?
Early into his partial about-turn, Trump said scientists told him that up to 2.5 million Americans could die of the disease. The most recent estimates suggest 135,000 Americans will die by late July. That means two things.

First, Trump will tell voters that he has saved millions of lives. Second, he will continue to push aggressively for US states to lift their lockdowns. His overriding goal is to revive the economy before the general election. Both Trump and Kushner have all but declared mission accomplished on the pandemic. “This is a great success story,” said Kushner in late April. “We have prevailed,” said Trump on Monday.
It is the kind of simpleminded triumphal language that a nation weary of restrictions and given to uncritical acceptance of Trumpisms welcomes, but it doesn't change reality.

And it doesn't change a truth recently uttered by George Conway, husband of one of Trump's chief promoters, Kelly Anne Conway, about the lamentably ill-equipped president:
“In my view he is a sociopath and a malignant narcissist. When a person suffering from these disorders feels the world closing in on them, their tendencies get worse. They lash out and fantasize and lose any ability to think rationally.”
A terrible combination in the best of times. A literally lethal one is these worst of times.

Saturday, April 25, 2020

The Relentless, Indefatigable Chip Franklin

Most days I stop myself from reposting Chip Franklin's hilarious screeds. Today is not one of those days.

Friday, April 24, 2020

UPDATED: Another Sad, Mad Episode

Listening to Donald Trump prattle on is like bearing witness to the stream-of-consciousness ravings of a backward, depraved child:
“And then I see the disinfectant where it knocks it out in a minute,” Trump said. “One minute! And is there a way we can do something, by an injection inside or almost a cleaning? Because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it’d be interesting to check that. So, that you’re going to have to use medical doctors with, but it sounds interesting to me.”

Dr Deborah Birx, the taskforce response coordinator, remained silent. But social media erupted in hilarity and outrage at the president, who has a record of defying science and also floated the idea of treating patients’ bodies with ultraviolet (UV) light.

I'll leave the final word to Walter Shaub, the former director of the Office of Government Ethics:
“It is incomprehensible to me that a moron like this holds the highest office in the land and that there exist people stupid enough to think this is OK. I can’t believe that in 2020 I have to caution anyone listening to the president that injecting disinfectant could kill you.”
P.S. Should you be wondering how the Twitterverse is reacting, click here.

I am particularly fond of this one:


Thursday, April 23, 2020

The Hits Keep Coming.

This certainly beats having to write something for my blog. Thanks to my friend Dom for sending me the following:

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

With A Little Help From The Feds

Sorry (not really); I just can't help myself:

Streaming 24 Hours A Day

The United States may be an empire in deep and irreversible decline, but it continues to excel in one area: comedy of the absurd. Its citizenry's irrational antics amply serve both as entertainment to saner jurisdictions and sobering indictments of exactly how low the human animal can sink:

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Increasingly Transparent

The thuggish illegalities of Donald Trump are obvious for everyone to see. Everyone, that is, except for those inexplicable sludge marks on human rationality known as Trump devotees.

Monday, January 13, 2020

Corporate Integrity: No Longer An Oxymoron

While he will undoubtedly come under under intense criticism, all I can say is, Bravo, Michael McCain.

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Tell It Like It Is

I have written nothing about the Iranian missile that brought down the Ukrainian flight, frankly because I don't know what to say beyond the fact that it is an immense tragedy, not only due to the loss of life but because of who was killed: primarily young people with their entire lives ahead of them, and young people who were immensely talented, many PhD students, researchers and doctors. We will never know what they could have achieved, both for themselves and for the world.

What is clear, however, is the fact that Donald Trump has much blood on his hands. Had he not assassinated an Iranian citizen on sovereign soil, the Iranians would not have been on high alert and mistaken the doomed flight for an incoming missile. That the Psychopath-in-Chief feels no responsibility or remorse is a given here.

Canada's response to Trump's responsibility, of course, has been non-existent, so if we want some honest dialogue about this terrible event, we could do far worse than scanning the letter-writers' page in The Star:
For now, U.S. President Donald Trump’s vanity project — taking out Iranian Gen. Qassem Soleimani — has cost the lives of scores of Iranian mourners killed in a stampede at the general’s funeral, and scores of foreign nationals killed in a plane crash while desperately fleeing Tehran.

The only thing this self-serving president cares less about than Iranian lives is the lives of Iranian Canadians.

There is no room in Trump’s personal world view for effective diplomacy. Having turned Soleimani to smouldering ashes, he was too immature to remain quiet about it, but crowed and gloated, even as millions of grief-stricken mourners flooded the streets of Iran.

Trump may well be re-elected, such is the powerful pseudo-intimacy between him and his adoring followers.

Having said that, I understand Trump’s skepticism about handing back billions to the current Iranian regime, which clearly had a long shopping list of terror-related activities.

It is time now to reinstate a better version of the Iran nuclear pullback, or for Canada to quit the region entirely.

Ron Charach, Toronto

Three things are important to note on this crisis in the Middle East with Iran and the US.

One, U.S. President Donald Trump does not take ownership (or blame) for bringing the crisis to a head, but instead blames the Iranians and the late Gen. Qassem Soleimani.

Two, Trump has had his face slapped by the retaliatory missile strikes by Iran. He will not like this and inside it makes him feel humiliated and insecure. (My guess is that this personal response by him has been kept hidden.) He will be left surly, vindictive and unforgiving toward the Iranians.

Three, Trump will not abandon his goal of containing Iran and trying to prevent them from having nuclear weapons. Whether this is realistically attainable or not is another question.

Chaos, confusion, uncertainty, lack of clarity, worry and emotion, and nothing solved — once again the results of Trump’s actions. Both sides now know the other can strike with missiles.

Through all of this we must wonder, how come the U.S. defensive equipment did not knock down the Iranian missiles? Was the range too short for response, was the equipment even in place? Was all this puffery?

Norm Ferguson, Richmond Hill
It is often said that talk is cheap. I beg to differ. Had talk substituted for Trump's pathetic, impulsive and deranged behaviour, many, many people would still be alive today.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

On A Certain Dysfunctional Commander-In-Chief

Chip Franklin may be somewhat coarse, but he certainly has insights into the dysfunctional entity known as Donald Trump:

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Nice Beard Though

As a Canadian, there are a number of things that cause me to feel ashamed: here in Ontario, it was the election of the dumb demagogue Doug Ford, while federally it has to do with my many fellow citizens who believe the government propaganda that we can have our climate-change cake (more pipelines, more tarsands} and eat it too (bitumen extraction as a way to afford reducing our emissions!)

But given current events, most cringe-worthy for me is the absence of a Canadian response to Donald Trump's latest effort to destabilize the Middle East through the assassination of Qassem Soleimani. While few would argue that the general was not responsible for much death and mayhem, his killing at the hands of Donald Trump will likely have far-reaching implications.

Yet despite that, only silence from Mr. Trudeau.

Contrast that with the fact that even a right-wing government like Boris Johnson's is now speaking out, this time over Trump saying he will target cultural sites in Iran if the latter retaliates for the murder:
Britain’s foreign secretary has said that targeting cultural sites in Iran would breach international warfare conventions in an implicit rebuke to Donald Trump for threatening to bomb protected heritage sites.

Dominic Raab did not criticise the US president directly over his threats, but said: “We have been very clear that cultural sites are protected under international law and we would expect that to be respected.”

Trump’s comments amount to threatening a war crime because such action would violate international treaties that the US has signed up to.
The director general of Unesco, which lists 24 protected sites in Iran, highlighted that both the US and Iran were also signatories to a 1972 convention prohibiting states from taking “any deliberate measures which might damage directly or indirectly the cultural and natural heritage” of other states.

The UN security council also passed a unanimous resolution in 2017 condemning the destruction of heritage sites following attacks by Isis, including on the ancient city of Palmyra in Syria and on the Mosul Museum in Iraq.
Canada's craven and submissive silence should not be a source of pride for anyone. If history teaches us anything, appeasement never works.

But in other news, Trudeau has a nice beard, eh?

Friday, December 13, 2019

Don't Let The Door Hit You On Your Way Out

No doubt the Idiot-In Chief thinks that by changing his residence, he will avoid justice in New York:

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Donald Trump, Exposed

I generally like to operate my blog with a certain level of decorum and language. However, there are exceptions to that principle, which you will see in the following.

I just discovered someone named Chip Franklin, an American who operates a website called Inside The Beltway, which is described thus:
Inside The Beltway is a collaboration of journalists, broadcasters, and assorted professionals, who have banded together to create a levee against the rising tide of lies and distortions that threaten our democracy and our sanity. That may sound dramatic, but how else do you characterize the willingness of the American public to believe in the most absurd narratives? For us, it’s an obligation to the truth. And if that sounds a little sanctimonious, that’s on you.
Be warned that the following contains profanity that may disturb some:

The Whistleblower from chip franklin on Vimeo.

Trump- Wizard of Odd from chip franklin on Vimeo.

Trump_ Just How Stupid_ from chip franklin on Vimeo.

Thursday, January 31, 2019

Ship Of Fools

To the untutored and blunt mind, the world is black and white. Incapable of nuanced thinking, it apprehends things only as they immediately appear. While, as the old saying goes, a mind is a terrible thing to waste, when that mind resides in the President of the United States, it is both tragic and terrifying:

This, of course, is not the first time that Americans have had to endure a national leader with limited intellect. The difference under Trump, however, is that the usual correcting mechanisms are absent. First, like the fool he is, Trump thinks he is the smartest guy in the room. Hence, his reaction to the Worldwide Threat Assessment of the U.S Intelligence Committee:

No matter what the threat assessment asserts, be it the dangers of Russia or China or global warming, or the fact that Iran has been abiding by the nuclear pact, Trump knows better. Compounding, aiding and abetting his massive ego and ignorance is a White House staffed with spineless quislings. One of the most public faces of that quisling cadre is Sarah Sanders, who suggests our hearts should not be troubled, claiming that God wanted Trump to become president.

You need only watch the first minute of the following, if you can stomach even that much:

The current American ship of state is a ship of fools. Hopefully, it will sink soon beneath the waves of history, taking the entire incompetent crew with it.

It is the only way forward for such an extraordinarily troubled nation.

Thursday, January 10, 2019

A Further Descent Into Banana Republicanism

While the Toddller-in-Chief continues with his temper tantrum, and the American government shutdown is now in its third week, it is good to know that unpaid federal workers are not being forgotten. Indeed, the U.S. Coastguard has offered a plethora of suggestions as to how its employees can get through these difficult times.

I'm sure they will make all the difference in the world:

- Have a garage sale - clean out your attic, basement and closets at the same time.

- Sell unwanted, larger ticket items through the newspaper or online.

- Offer to watch children, walk pets or house-sit.

- Turn you hobby nto income

-Have untapped teaching skills and expertise? Tutor students, give music or sports lessons.

- Become a mystery shoppers. Retailers are desperate to check how their in-store customer service is and will employ you to shop and rate their

It must be comforting to all that in this time of crisis, good old American know-how and stick-to-it-ness will win the day.

Monday, December 3, 2018

UPDATED: An Incisive Medical Assessment

This needs no commentary from me.

UPDATE: And here's further proof:

Friday, November 23, 2018

The Idiot-in-Chief Tweets

But, as usual, he spouts arrant nonsense, designed to be cheered by the equally abjectly ignorant:

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

How Do You Get In A Fight With Canada?

So asks Seth Myers. To which he answers, "That's like holding a grudge against a Golden Retriever puppy."

Or, to put it even more succinctly,