Thursday, June 4, 2020

A More Apt Comparison

I'm sure you have heard about White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany's utterly shameless extolment of Donald Trump's prop walk with The Bible the other day.
McEnany claimed during a White House briefing Wednesday that Trump had “wanted to send a very powerful message that we will not be overcome by looting, by rioting, by burning, this is not what defines America” and that the stunt was “a very important moment” to show “resilience,” as other presidents and world leaders have previously done.

“Like Churchill, we saw him inspecting the bombing damage, it sent a powerful message of leadership to the British people,” she boasted.
This was all too much for Anderson Cooper who, I think most people would agree, draws a far more apt comparison/contrast between the Moron-in-Chief and Winston Churchill:

And the beat goes on.


  1. .. I'm expert level re observation skills.. mebbe even more..
    Watching the wholly bible hoot show uncut, I failed to note any 'inspection' whatsoever. He wanted the sign behind to his left (camera right).. then drifted to in front of the door for his next (group) shot & was outta there in less than 5 minutes. Perhaps his eyes were stinging or he was overcome by religious fervour. Nice touch with the 50mm sniper working point for the political platoon (expeditionary farce) .. all that was missing was the UCLA marching band & a dozen Alabama cheerleaders with N-95 masks. But Ivanka, Kayleigh in heels, Jarod and that stumpy toad Barr kinda sufficed

    1. My impression when I saw this sad spectacle, Sal, was that the Idiot-in-Chief was bored, perhaps confused, and feeling a bit put-upon in having to try to disprove his bunker cowardice.

  2. posing using the bible upside down and backwards after removing the clergy from a boarded up church messages the anti Christ to me.....prove me wrong

    1. I'm sure you are not the only one thinking along those lines, lungta.
