With a pathological liar as its president, it probably does not come as a shock that many Americans live in an alternate reality. Promoted and cultivated endlessly by Donald Trump, their master, and spread wide by pernicious social media and house organs like Fox 'News' and One American News Network, it is a version of things that until recently would have been deemed credible only to the uneducated, cognitively challenged, or the completely unhinged. Sadly, many more appear to be regularly drinking from these poisoned waters.
Bruce Anderson writes:
Knowledge of the world seems to be deteriorating in America, abetted by a president—ignorant of the world himself—whose formula for political success depends on more people becoming less informed.Despite all that has been responsibly reported about Russian interference, Trumpian malfeasance and his daily record of gross incompetence, a recent Abacus poll yielded some disheartening results:
If Trump loses, most Republican voters say they will believe the election was rigged. If he tries to stay in office after losing, they wouldn’t want the military to enforce the election results. In other words, their trust in or need for him is so powerful they don’t stop to think what sort of precedent it would set to leave the country in a state of impasse.It would appear that those polled have little insight into their country's relations with the rest of the world:
As many Americans think Russia is America’s best friend as think France, Italy or Germany is. This despite America having spent decades in a military alliance with France, Italy and Germany to protect against Russian military ambition, despite proven Russian use of cyberwarfare to disrupt American social peace and elections.
Under Trump’s time in office, Republicans are four times more likely to say relations with Canada have improved (41 per cent), than think they have worsened (8 per cent). This is mindless partisanship—the facts of the last few years were almost constant tension around NAFTA, dairy subsidies, steel and aluminum tariffs, the idea of Canada as a security risk, the G7 Charlevoix summit friction. But for Republican voters everything seems to be going swimmingly.In a time when the world sees the U.S. for what it has become, 80 per cent of Republicans think Trump has made America greater.
Less than 12 per cent of Republican voters think U.S. relations have soured with Great Britain, France or Germany. This despite almost constant friction in these relationships, on topics from trade to NATO to climate change to refugee and immigration policy. Trump has by all accounts a terrible relationship with President Emmanuel Macron of France and Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany. He was on bad terms with U.K. Conservative Prime Minister Teresa May and launched scathing attacks on London’s Mayor.
Canada has good reason to worry about living next door to an unhinged giant:
Half of Republican voters would go along with abandoning NORAD, roughly a third would support building a wall and putting troops along the Canadian border. Happily, most Americans are against invading Canada to get at our resources. But stop and think about the fact that only 56 per cent of Americans strongly oppose the idea.As children, almost all of us indulged in fantasies of one kind or another. It now appears that many Americans have entered a second, much darker childhood.
Let us not be in any hurry to reopen our borders to such a diseased nation.
.. Here in Canada, we now see Alberta & Saskatchewan are 'ruled' by Governments of elected and unelected 'Public Servants' that we can quite reasonably & loosely call 'Conservative'. Those two provinces both elected 'majority governments'.. Controlled & directed by Jason Kenney and Scott Moe respectively.
ReplyDeleteJumping to your excellent post.. I must point out the absolute similarity of 'Dominionist' belief and ideology, the broad scale 'superiority' which is hard-wired now, into the Republican Party (Trump) and the Conservative Parties in Canada. Kenney & Moe.. just like their dominionist mentor Stephen Harper was essentially enamored of the Republicans to the south. And whether we like it or not, Doug Ford is just as bad. Thus we see 'political parties' with zero real interest in representing or defending or espousing the 'dreams, needs, and wishes' of the citizenry.. we are just seen as 'data' in their vast vats of questionably obtained personal and private databanks. We have no recourse to see such data. None, nada. Even the RCMP or our elected MP's cannot pierce the secrecy, nor ascertain, explain exactly where all the data comes from, who it is shared with or sold to, how is it paid for, what its 'scope' is. We do know the federal party shares it with provincial 'conservative' parties. And for a long running laugh, BC had a 'Liberal Party' under Christy Clark that was a Harper Party neo-liberal farm team, a literal dumping ground for federal cronies that needed 'more time with their family' (and we all know what that means)
Bottom line, Lorne.. a political party in Canada that almost automatically gets minimum 40% (a guess) of the popular vote.. because.. well there I run out of 'understanding' or explanation. They might as well rebrand as The Republican Party of Canada.. I fail to see much difference, if any. Jason Kenney could fill in admirably in Kentucky, and Stephen Miller or Jerod Kushner could 'run' Alberta.. and not a beat missed.. Evangelicals are dedicated to taking over the rotted hulk that was once The Progressive Conservative Party of Canada, just like Harper was, when he was desperate to 'Re-Brand' his Reform failure.
So I guess you could just transpose 'Canada' wherever USA appears in any article or post.. and see how it fits.. and if its not a good fit, try 'Alberta' .. though in no way do I wish to insult an entire Province or Albertans in general. It does seem though that the 'Governance' of Alberta is now some sort of Kenney fiefdom.. and as much as that seems incredible.. it does seem underway.. I define it as 'the reinvention of Alberta in the ideological image of Jason Kenney'
And in the fine tradition of Jason Kenney who faked being an Albertan for so many years, we now have an elected MP from Alberta, who lives in Oklahoma.. has anyone seen Mrs Rempel Garner lately ? One assumes she now has joint citizenship a la Andrew Scheer..
Excellent points, Sal, especially with regard to Alberta, which has always seemed more American in its sensibilities than any other province. Guess that springs from the fact that many of its early settlers were American. Old habits die hard, eh?