Sunday, June 21, 2020

A Unified Theory Of ....

I'll leave you to supply the appropriate term to reflect this gentleman's 'insights':


  1. Sadly, that guy is the son my father wished he'd had. :)

  2. What do we call these people, "intellectual zombies"? Is this a mental illness on a mass scale, some sort of psychosis? I do know a few individuals whose world view is shaped by whatever they find on Facebook and YouTube. Once you're down that rabbit hole I don't see how you ever come back.

    1. I love that term, "intellectual zombies," Mound. Haven't heard it before, but will definitely remember it!

    2. Of course you hadn't heard it before. It just came to me as I was trying to find a descriptive phrase of this guy and the many like him. Insentient wasn't enough. Their thought processes are zombie-like. But if you do remember it, use it freely.


    1. Now why doesn't this atrocious ad surprise me, Mound?

  4. .. That ?

    Obviously when large numbers (a herd) of such folk gather.. its quite ODD.. but how does he differ from the televanglist faithful ? Or American Wives For Trump ? Also obviously.. if a person like that shows up at a pizza parlour with an AR-15 to free the sex hostages of Ms Clinton trapped in the basement.. its a 'police problem'.

    There's lots of evidence of such portions of a population. The term 'featherbrain' comes to mind. The dude is a ranter.. chock full of superstition, myth.. Hell, our neighbors on the farm southeast of us held that the moon landing was an elaborate ruse.. but Mrs Jackson's butter tarts were so delightful.. and the blueberry pie.. my oh my.. and she was a wicked ass euchre partner.. Gawd love her ! I always dropped my old Auntie Catherine off for the Women's Institute meetings (i suspect they tippled & tittered terribly) but I came for the baking.. not Jeebuzz .. I was 17.. and I always trotted in to say hi.. as I ensured auntie was early.. and I saw the whole passle 4 hours later awaiting their rides - eight or ten of em cackling away on the porch about the oddest rumours..

    A sense of humour .. some levity..

    'People Are Strange' - Jim Morrison - The Doors

    1. The range of humanity on display in these times is a cause for both awe and despair, isn't it, Sal?

  5. ... well, Lorne.. well said.. well said
    and if there's just two curtains to choose from
    Awe or Despair.. well that's a no brainer.. non ?
    I'll go with Awe anytime ..
