As I have expressed in this blog previously, it is my sincere belief that the Harper cabal, indeed, the hard right in general, does not want us exercising our democratic rights, especially as they pertain to voting. The less participation there is, the easier it is for the true believers, aka, the base, to keep their party in power. Up to this point, however, that democratic discouragement has been engendered incrementally, through Harper's general contempt for Parliamentary democracy, disdain and attacks on those with a differing ideological bent, the muzzling of scientists, etc.
Now, however, for the first time we have a piece of legislation, ironically entitled the Fair Elections Act (and which, as of today, faces a time allocation motion limiting debate to three further days), that will make it more difficult to exercise our right to vote.
Promoted by that pusillanimous puppet Pierre Poilievre, the Minister for Democratic Reform, the bill, despite its name, requires strict new identification at the polls, prevents Elections Canada from trying to promote greater participation by reaching out to disaffected groups or investigating electoral fraud, and discourages the development of innovative ways to engage younger voters, among other things.
Astute political commentator Chantal Hebert has drawn the same conclusions about the bill:
At a time when most comparable jurisdictions are looking for ways to reverse a decline in turnout the legislation put forward on Tuesday nudges Canada in the opposite direction.
According to Elections Canada the 2011 turnout rate among voters aged 18 to 24 stood at a dismal 38.8 per cent. Across Canada some of the outreach campaigns that the bill would outlaw federally are specifically tailored to them.
...one does not need to read between the lines of the bill to come to the conclusion that the Harper government is more inclined to see a higher voter turnout as a threat than as an ideal outcome.
Yet another nail in the coffin of our democracy, brought to you by the usual suspects.
The Harperites have built their kingdom on apathy, Lorne. It's clear that they now intend to legislate it.
ReplyDeleteThere seems to be no end to their arrogant audacity, Owen, and I fear all of us have to bear some responsibility for it, given that our collective apathy has played right into their Machiavellian hands,
DeleteLorne, the 'Fair Elections Act' means fair for Harper. Simply incredible. We have Joseph Stalin as our P.M. I have compared him in the past to Joseph Stalin.
I wish I could disagree with the comparison, LD, but I can't. We are truly living in an age few of us could have ever anticipated
DeleteAnd now we learn that the Regime has tabled a motion to limit debate on this attempt to swing the odds even more in their direction. Democracy? Not if this lot has anything to do with it!
ReplyDeleteEven if they could recognize democracy, Rural, it is clear they could never respect it.
DeleteAnother overturned trolley for the barricades, Lorne. You know it's coming!
ReplyDeleteThere seems little alternative, does there, Mound?