Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Ann Coulter's 'Thoughts' On Marijuana

The always charming Ms Coulter equates marijuana with 'retard pills.' One can only assume she comes by her own mental deficiencies naturally.

Ann Coulter: Obama acts like he’s from Kenya — and weed is a ‘legal retard pill’ (via Raw Story )

President Barack Obama may not be a covert anti-colonialist “Manchurian candidate” from Kenya, but he sure does act like it, according to conservative author Ann Coulter. “I know we’ve spent seven years trying to persuade right-wingers, no,…


  1. How did the American Right succumb to a gaggle like Coulter, Hannity, Bachmann, Santorum, Gingrich and the rest of their fellow degenerate misanthropes? Even Boehner can no longer find solace in a pack of smokes and a bathtub-size flagon of red wine.

    1. I know yours is a rhetorical question, Mound, but it is one that plagues me whenever I survey the political landscape both at home and in the United States.

  2. It reminds me of a story I read saying the entire North Korean army is stoned: http://www.vice.com/read/north-korea-is-stoned-all-the-time-which-explains-a-lot
