Friday, June 26, 2015

Speaking Of Conservative Crime

It seems that our Prime Minister may have violated his own anti-terror law against terrorist imagery and propaganda.

As reported by CTV,
A new Conservative attack ad takes aim at Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau’s position on the mission against the Islamic State, but it uses the terrorist group’s own horrifying propaganda images.

In the online ad, posted on the Conservative Party’s Facebook page, Trudeau is shown in a CBC interview saying he would end the CF-18 bombing campaign against the terrorist group, also known as ISIS or ISIL.

The ad uses Islamic State propaganda, including gruesome images of prisoners facing death by drowning and beheading -- and those images may actually violate the government’s own anti-terror law.
Given its pattern of skirting and breaking laws, this may be of no great concern to the Harper regime. But perhaps this will give the apparatchik pause:
Advertising executive Tony Chapman wondered how the uses of ISIS imagery would help the Conservatives score political points.

“Not only are they providing free advertising for ISIS, they’re completely offside and driving Canadian politics to a new low,” said Tony Chapman.
While the exploitation of fear is nothing new to the Conservatives, perhaps this latest example will provoke the backlash it so roundly deserves:


  1. They seem very desperate Lorne. I would think that many Canadians would find this ad offensive, rather then agree with it. As with everyone else the Cons are underestimating Canadians and like all control freaks Harper thinks he can manipulate us. Thanks for posting the ad, I hadn't seen it before.

    1. The manipulation is obvious to us, Pamela. Let's hope that the majority of Canadians realize what is going on here as well.

  2. .. Canadians have Kory Tenacyke to thank for channelling PM Stephen Harper and presumably the most senior Government public servants Ray Novak, Stephen Lecce et al.. and Jenni Byrne.. with legal beagle Arthur Hamiton et al.. Tenacyke's approved messaging is that Conservative Party ads are just like the news.. better even than news because they're more truthful..

    This morning I had to ask Conservative Party Headquarters.. 'What is wrong with you people? Using tragic brutal ISIS imagery to promote their party while denigrating others? Who endorses this?'

    It truly is a question for Stephen Harper to answer.. whether he endorsed this sick campaign.. and its a question for Canadians to ponder regardless of his answer on non answer.. or the bizarre rationalizations of our most senior public servants who seem to float back and forth from Party to PMO to Party. Perhaps The PM can claim he keeps firewalls up between Party, PMO and his great self.. and clearly, obviously 'knows nothing of these things' and only sees them on the news ...

    1. I think you explanation about firewalls will be the likely excuse this time, Salamander. Every time Harper uses it, he grows less and less credible. I'm sure he will say the same thing about the Senate decision to override the Speaker and force a vote on the odious anti-union bill yesterday.
