Neoliberalism, through trade deals is expanding and tightning its global corporate power hold.. Governments signing trade deals in secrecy and selling their citizens down the river. Harper as always, is doing the 1% bidding at the sacrifice of Canadian rights such as signing in secrecy the trade deal with China. Harper and his regime are a cartel turning free market control over to the corporate elite. They are in fact the financial elites enforcers. This is not exposed by the opposition or the MSM. How can Harper be stopped by Canadians when he implements his neoliberal agenda in secrecy. One will have to assume that the silence of the NDP and Liberals is because they support this agenda. Lorne, I'm starting to understand why Mound is voting for the Greens. I'm starting to lean that way myself.
Everything I have read from the Mound leads me to believe that our major opposition parties are little different from Harper Inc., Pamela, save for style. That being said, however, I can't yet get past the notion that no change is even remotely possible while Herr Harper holds the reins of power, and the only way to dispose of him is to vote judiciously in the upcoming election.
Neoliberalism, through trade deals is expanding and tightning its global corporate power hold.. Governments signing trade deals in secrecy and selling their citizens down the river. Harper as always, is doing the 1% bidding at the sacrifice of Canadian rights such as signing in secrecy the trade deal with China. Harper and his regime are a cartel turning free market control over to the corporate elite. They are in fact the financial elites enforcers. This is not exposed by the opposition or the MSM. How can Harper be stopped by Canadians when he implements his neoliberal agenda in secrecy. One will have to assume that the silence of the NDP and Liberals is because they support this agenda. Lorne, I'm starting to understand why Mound is voting for the Greens. I'm starting to lean that way myself.
ReplyDeleteEverything I have read from the Mound leads me to believe that our major opposition parties are little different from Harper Inc., Pamela, save for style. That being said, however, I can't yet get past the notion that no change is even remotely possible while Herr Harper holds the reins of power, and the only way to dispose of him is to vote judiciously in the upcoming election.