Saturday, December 7, 2024

With Apologies To Dr. Seuss

The Heart Of This Grinch Would Not Grow, No,
 Not Even An Inch

H/t Moudakis


  1. It's not funny;you underestimate the power of one liners , photoshopped images and the slow but sure influence of AI into our lives.
    These moves away from reality are dangerous in the extreme no matter how insignificant, convenient or helpful as they profess to be!
    Re Oxford Word..
    Our experts noticed that ‘brain rot’ gained new prominence this year as a term used to capture concerns about the impact of consuming excessive amounts of low-quality online content, especially on social media.
    Little PP is quite aware of this phenomenon and plays by it weekly.
    We live in dangerous times, the world changes at an ever increasing pace that is difficult for those even aware !!

    1. Now, more than ever, TB, the need for the power of critical thinking is great.There is much to sort through, and little effort to assess the things being consumed.

  2. I see some of those of the "own the libs" crowd suggesting lil pp should be reconsidered as the go to PM material .... but most already have the F*** Trudeau decal and flag so they are too, too deeply invested.

    1. In the early days of Saturday Night Live, lungta, I remember the Not Ready For Prime Time Players. Were they extant today, I would suggest PP be added to the cast.
