Thursday, December 12, 2024

UPDATED: Our National Pride Needs This

Here is a  reminder and a jolt from Charlie Angus, one that should be heard by all who would appease the mad king, Trump, at the expense of our national pride and nationhood:


Here are a few more words of wisdom from Charlie Angus:


  1. Hear, Hear ! This is all I have to say. Every word is truth. Anyong

    1. It certainly is, Anyong. We should all reflect upon Angus's words.

  2. Burn it to the ground. Own the Libs. 'lil pp is as obvious as trump.
    I followed a lot of stevies burning down of the Canadian identity (peace keeping, environmental water protections, science libraries, wheatboard, ) but somehow had missed the decimation of border security.
    Wanted to immediately to confront my ultra conservative coffee crew but have come to realize that there are no longer any teaching moments . Any contrary info just tightens the herds circle. Convicted predator and the right-wing bootlickers there and here . Times man of the year . And a few lone voices. TY Lorne

    1. it is indeed a sad state we are in, lungta. Of that there can be no doubt. As long as people want to react rather than think, things can only get worse.
