Friday, January 5, 2024

"God Made Trump"

I 'm sorry to report that the American race to the bottom continues. The above is not a satire, but rather a post by Trump on his social media platform and will no doubt find an eager and receptive audience. 

Sadly, the deity does not come off well here. Perhaps a celestial defamation lawsuit is in order? I imagine the punitive damages would be severe.


  1. How is that not satire? So warped. Unfortunately, I can imagine the awe-struck faces of his followers feeling like they have a special audience with God through Trump, and that's terrifying!

    1. Without doubt, this will win yet new converts to Trump's 'holy' cause, Marie.

    2. thought it was a brilliant parody until I read the rest of the post.

      If you have seen some interviews with his followers there seems to be a good number of them, who believe this. Mind you, these are often the same people who believe the bible was written in 17th C English.

      Apparently there is an amazing number of outright delusional fundamental/evangelical "christens" in the USA.

      A fascinating book on this is:
      "Fantasyland: How America Went Haywire: A 500-Year History" by Kurt Andersen (2017)


    3. Thank you for the recommendation, Anon. I shall look for the book. There is no doubt in my mind that the U.S. is heading toward theocracy, something akin to what exists in Iran. I suspect the irony would be lost on most of the MAGA crowd.

  2. I have long since gone blind to the madness of the right. How it subdued and submitted (to use Wrestling terms) previously sane conservative proponents of, shit policies but at least, democracy (a much smaller pool of people than I imagined). This is yesterday's news. We need to wake up and shake it off. It's coming here with Pee Pee. It is.

    1. It is indeed sad, Brian, that an increasing number of Canadians are embracing the unhinged mindset of Americans. PP has found his people and is cultivating them assiduously.

  3. Life is so easy when you're convinced that God is on your side, Lorne. It's so easy to be wrong.

  4. Lord save us from those without doubt, Owen.

  5. Stephen Harper's moral certainty. I'm sure Skippy has less of it, but he's pandering to people who don't.

    1. The righteous shall lead the way, eh John?
