Saturday, May 13, 2023

When They Start Talking About Ideologies And Agendas

 ... you generally know where they are coming from.

"We must protect our children from sexual grooming and pedophilia. The sexualization agenda is robbing children of their innocence."

"I am a very concerned person who has done research on the subject of the LGBTQ ideology" .

Thus spaketh Lorraine Hackenschmidt, described in a CBC report as a constituent and grandmother making a presentation to the Brandon, Manitoba school board trustees last Monday to express her desire to have school libraries remove objectionable materials, materials she fears will taint the children and lead them into 'unnatural choices' in life.

You can watch Hakenschmidt's presentation here, starting at the 50-minute mark. I don't find her entire presentation objectionable, especially regarding puberty-blockers and gender-reassignment surgery at an early age; however. in her desperation to prove her points about the danger of books, she starts quoting 'authorities' such as Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, not a man known for political moderation, and the National Post, not exactly a balanced source of news or views.

Unsurprisingly, Hakenschmidt's views are challenged by actual experts.

Brandon Sexuality Education Resource Centre program manager Kerri Judd says it's very concerning to see people asking for LGBTQ books to be removed — especially because many children rely on their school to be a safe space of inclusion and respect.

"We're seeing this in many parts of the province. And if we look at what's going on in the United States, I think that it's not that big of a surprise ... I'm just disappointed that it's a conversation that's happening within the community I live," she said.

"It is completely inaccurate and false and actually really disgusting that people associate gender identity to pedophilia," Judd said. "It's a false narrative … and so it has nothing to do with one's gender identity."

Another expert opines,

Students must see themselves represented in school resources for their well-being, says Patty Douglas, a professor in the faculty of education at Brandon University Faculty of Education. Douglas says human sexual diversity, neurodiversity and all kinds of diversity are normal, and children, just like adults, have the right to be able to see themselves represented.

"I think that bullying ... of kids who are different is ubiquitous. It happens all the time, every day. You know, educational trauma happens every day for kids who come from, you know, non-white cultures, from non-normative family arrangements and this will just worsen that," Douglas said.

"School then becomes something to survive rather than thrive in."

And the  University of Manitoba's Sarah Hannon, a political scientist, 

says the call to remove books in Brandon shows two issues coming together: protecting transgender kids and the queer community more broadly, combined with a more general point about book banning.

"They're not pornographic materials. They are sex education materials. And schools should be in the business of educating people about their own bodies and about their sexuality," Hannan said. "That is a crucial part of ... everyone's well-being."

Manitoba Liberal Leader Dougald Lamont condemned the book ban request at the Legislative Assembly Wednesday, calling it disgusting for its "terrible accusations" against educators and librarians.

"You don't get converted to being 2SLGBTQ by reading a book," Lamont said. "I want my children to be safe and this includes being safe from extremists who want to take away our freedom of choice and freedom to read."

He called on the Progressive Conservatives to take a stance against the proposal. 

Where will this presentation lead to? It is too early to say, but here is something worth bearing in mind: books, knowledge and learning are never subversive. Ignorance, and actions based on it, are.



  1. I am organizing a protest against the local university demanding that they remove all copies of "Gray's Anatomy" from the library shelves. /s

    "I am a very concerned person who has done research on the subject of the LGBTQ ideology" .

    Another Google University degree?
    Any publications in peer-reviewed journals?

    1. I believe many of these people are credentialed from the University of the Aggrieved which, I understand, has campuses throughout the world, Anon.

  2. I think its important to decide what is actually true and teach that to children. There are lots of children's books and curriculum telling kids that they can change their sex. That's not a neutral act, says Hilary Cass in the Cass Report. Helen Joyce indicates that is the equivalent to mathematics being to told accept that 1=0. These aren't small things. If you want to suggest that is a philosophy that one might consider, then the place for that is religious studies, not sex education. It's also curious that in our quest to "affirm" trans ideology, that data from Tavistock indicates that a huge number of "trans" kids who are gay and autistic are the ones showing up at the clinic asking to change their sex. This isn't just about books. This is about severing all connections to science in favour of a "personal reality". Think about how that will ultimately play out. You can philosophize all you like, but it is imperative to understand how that will play out in the real world. Kids who still believe in Santa Claus are being presented with the idea that gay plus sexist stereotypes means that they are trans. Trans ideology is barely concealed misogyny and homophobia. It beggars belief that liberals buy into it at all and then fight for it to be included in childrens books.

    1. I have read an overview of the Cass Report, Anon, and it sounds like it is examining some entirely reasonable questions that need answers, As I have indicated in some of my comments, I am not one who advocates for early use of therapies such as puberty-blockers, and a critical assessment of approaches to treating gender dysphoria is surely warranted.

      In terms of books in libraries, I am for the free exchange of information, and any school librarian worth his or her salt will provide to students information that is age-appropriate. Where Mrs. Hackenschmidt errs is in her zeal for book-banning, and her allegations that such materials are part of the promotion of agendas, ideologies and 'lifestyles'. To acquiesce in her demands will simply embolden others to follow suit to the point that children are taught in a bubble and will have the same prejudices that so many adults sadly have about those who are 'different'.

  3. Thanks, Anon. I shall check it out as time permits.

  4. @ AnonymousMay 15, 2023 at 2:16 PM
    Helen Joyces speech raises some interesting thoughts.
    Science would dictate that there is no such thing as a sex change, only body modification.
    We 'progressives' expect the far right to accept the science of climate change progressives should look at the science?
    Next on the block should be 'God' the ultimate non person !


    1. There is no question, TB, that we on the progressive side must apply the same criteria to ourselves as others. Sometimes that is difficult to do, but critical thinking demands it. To be quite honest, I am not well-versed in the literature of transgenderism, but I do worry when I read of some people's strident demands on both sides that science takes, if anything, a back seat to zeal, even fanaticism.

  5. Lorne.
    Making difficult decisions is the hallmark of progressiveness.
    I am 'somewhat' equating the transsexual phenomena to that of those that say they are black whilst being white and those that are black trying to be white; think Michael Jackson!!
    Perhaps there is a third order of sexuality that of where the individual is neither male nor female?
    Somewhat like an Android without the snubs and persecutions an individual to join the acceptable straight , lesbian, gay, bisexual , straight but cross dressers , the list cold be long!


    1. I do often think, TB, that our species is capable of endless permutations, which, I guess, is the way evolution.

  6. Evolution has always been the survival of the fittest, those fittest to reproduce themselves!
    This does not mean that those that are not able or unwilling should be castigated , they are people with feelings too.
    There is a thin line between acceptance and promotion of 'workable' behaviour?

  7. When talking about books being inappropriate for certain age groups, it's good to have an idea about the books. Here is a sample of a book that I don't think belongs in a school library, and not a public library unless it is in the adult section.

    1. I want to do some research as to whether this book is available in elementary school libraries, Anon. If it find that it is, I shall post about it here. I would also like to know more about the overall content of the book.

    2. I saw the Twitter posting you directed me to, Publishers Weekly and Kirkus Reviews suggest there is much more to it than the illustrations, Anon.
