Tuesday, October 25, 2022

About Canada's Much-Vaunted Reputation On Human Rights

Despite our politicians' proud proclamations, there is actually much less to them than meets the eye:


  1. It’s a great message .. scathing too
    A lesson on .. I dunno..
    Situational Ethics.. Populist or Factional Preaching ?
    She hits the Selective Ethnic nail.. like a Hammer

    I have no idea who she is .. or what Party
    Or even what the Jurisdiction is !
    A shame she didn’t deserve a title ..

    Regardless.. it’s a truly passionate messaging
    I will listen again ..
    I may even transcribe it..

    What a vibrant change
    from the usual Partisan Caterwauling ..
    and sanitized homogenized cut n paste ‘talking points’

    1. My big oversight. Her name is Heather McPherson, and she represents the NDP in Edmonton Strathcona. https://heathermcpherson.ndp.ca/
