Friday, May 15, 2020

I Rest My Case

Yesterday I offered, shall we say, an unflattering appraisal of the American 'character' and psyche. Further evidence supporting that assessment is to be found in the following video:

Perhaps those of similar disposition dying for a night out on the town should ponder this cautionary tale?


  1. .. Been to Wisconsin many a time.. went there with my cousin to meet the Dalai Llama, very cool.. loved the campus in Madison & have a startling tale of that adventure.. but ..

    This is America today.. Trumplandistan.. and I have no grounding to explain the legalities, procedures, nuance (if any) of a State within a Nation like the USA..

    If Canada at times buffaloes me.. what to say about the USA.. open carry of a LAWS anti-tank rocket is A-OK .. or bring a 50 mm machine gun.. to protest that you can't buy a bag of lawn seed, or declare the earth is flat..

    But fer gawd sake never take a knee to protest police violence prior to a football game !! How outrageous !

    So take a deep breath or two.. and compare..
    A young man with astonishing football skills taking a knee
    and 20 TV cameras on him is frightening
    disruptive & dangerous
    but a guy with a 50 mm machine gun, 6 grenades
    and two 357 magnum revolvers
    at a fast food takeout is a patriot..

    No hurry.. the definition of 'normal'
    aint gonna get away too quickly
    and good to know American courts will tell us

    .. 'land of the free.. home of the brave'

    1. As your comments suggest, Sal, the U.S. is a strange land indeed. It's many contradictions are a challenge to any reasonably rational mind.

  2. We can't ignore this. The upcoming Memorial Day weekend should be a litmus test for what we need to do to secure our border. The Americans are divided. Some see lockdowns as a denial of constitutional freedoms. The others see the exercise of those notional freedoms as a threat to the greater public. It mirrors the anti-vaxxer argument.

    An article in today's Globe looks at how Vancouver Islanders, whose considerable efforts have brought Covid numbers to near rock bottom, are reacting to vehicles with white licence plates and red lettering - Alberta. We fear that the island's low Covid rates makes us look like a more inviting vacation destination for those who might spread the virus among us.

    1. Living close to the American border, Mound, I understand people's concerns. I read somewhere today that in Newfoundland, they are turning people back from ferries (not sure if this is true or not). Here in Ontario, I also worry about Quebecers, with their high rates of infection, coming to my fair province.
