One of the benefits (and, to be honest, drawbacks) of having a blog is the freedom it confers on the owner. He or she can write on a range of topics which, in my case, is sometimes determined by the mood I'm in. And these days, that mood is often less one of outrage than it is of resignation. The belly fire that once drove me is now often but a vaguely uncomfortable feeling easy to ignore.
But I do soldier on, in fits and starts.
Since compelling empirical proof is hardly a requirement for blog opinions, I shall offer one today about the United States of America. It will hardly be a shattering insight, merely one I have been thinking about more and more during these days of confinement and reading.
The United States of America is an infantile nation.
Consider but a few examples. There is the violence incited by refusal to wear masks; there are the states reopening despite rising numbers of Covid-19 infections; there is fairly widespread defiance of state laws through protests and illegal re-openings of shuttered businesses. And, of course, there is their selection of the Orange Idiot to lead their nation.
Clearly, the United States lacks the kind of character that the world's current situation demands.
Recently, while watching a commercial during the American news, something else also occurred to me. They haven't always been this benighted and childish.
Allow me to illustrate with a few American Public Service Announcements.
The first one is from many years ago; those of a certain age will remember Perry Mason who, each week, bested District Attorney Hamilton Burger in the courtroom. The actor who played him, William Talman, made an anti-smoking ad in 1968 when he was dying from lung cancer:
You will notice that the tone is poignant as Talman invokes the powerful images of his family to show the terrible losses he is facing, urging viewers either not to take up smoking or to quit if they are already in its grips. No one could argue that such an ad is shocking or graphic in any way.
Contrast that restrained tone with what is on offer today:
Each of the above PSAs approach the viewer in a way far different than the Talman ad did, replacing reason and poignancy with what are guaranteed to reach a blunted, debased sensibility: fear and repugnance. If this won't get you to quit smoking, nothing will, eh?
What is my point? Only to suggest that those commercials can serve as a measure of the undeniable decline in the American character. Where once reason and basic sentiment might have served public discourse well, today fear has become the weapon of choice to influence people's behaviour.
And the use of that weapon is most evident in contemporary American politics. The Trump playbook, the one that serves him so very well, is a textbook example. Fear of the other, the Mexican rapists and drug dealers who must be held at bay by massive walls, the deep state conspirators, the Wuhan virus and so many more are all part of his abysmal arsenal.
And the Pavlovian dogs salivate.
I just watched two related video - one by Robert Reich on politics and one by Robert Fisk on media - both saying essentially the same thing. The last 40 years have infantilized the public and provoked them toward hating one another as a scapegoat for coping with their losses, largely caused by the elite class. Then there's also the generational reality that many have never faced a real hardship in their life, so any inconvenience to them is met with outrage. We've lost the understanding of what it means to make a sacrifice for the greater good.
ReplyDeleteDespite the many resources at our disposal to enhance our ability to think critically, lamentably few seem to take advantage, Marie. We see the results daily in our politics, our social media, and in our relationship with society at large.
Delete.. Oh you're bang on with this..
ReplyDeleteMainstream advertising is so definitely a mirror of society..
When I see & hear how 'politicians' do backflips on main media its truly cringeworthy 'performance'. On Twitter I always review carefully, the posts of @rshotton who isolates how messaging really 'works' best.. which often if not always.. shows us how messaging works at its worst (fails)
A good friend of mine always scolded me & my criticisms.. reminding me that television advertising was really aimed at Grade 5 level mentality. I fought and still fight that fight. Its the battle I have daily with myself.. should today be the day I get to be stupid.. duh..
I do know there is a magical realm.. its where McLuhan got to.. and came back with the grail.. Its where champions get to.. where exemplars go daily
Its 'walk in beauty' ..
I just checked out @rshotton, Sal. Some very interesting stuff!
DeleteAbsolutely. Here's the Reich video boiled down to a 5-minute read.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Marie. Robert Reich speaks with an indefatigable authority that demands respect.
Delete.. Shotton's recent tweet re The Lincoln Project poking Trump by design is brilliant.. a 5,000 $ designed ad simply by knowing Trump must watch Tucker Carlson paid off with 2 Million in donations so they could air in Wisconsin, Ohio, Florida. They pushed his button.. he performed predictably by attacking via Twitter .. kaching $ ka ching.. $$
ReplyDeleteOn a somewhat humorous note, it always struck me as odd that DA Berger was able to keep his job despite losing every single case without fail. Please don't dissect that comment too finely, its just meant as a joke.
ReplyDeleteAs for the whole smoking thing....I'm a smoker, and also a fan of Kurt Vonnegut novels. Before dying the author jokingly said he was going to sue the tobacco company that made the brand he'd been smoking since the age of 12 for false advertising...because they'd promised to kill him and he was quite angry at still being alive and living in the US when the three most powerful men in the country were named Bush, Dick and Colin. He dies 2 years after that remark, at 84 or thereabouts....but not from smoking, he fell and suffered a head injury.
Our whole response to the mostly benign coronavirus has led me to think about how our governments have responded to the deadly addiction of smoking, said to kill 45,000 Canadians every year by the Conference Board of Canada, at a cost of about $6.5 billion p/yr to the health care system.
Granted smoking is a choice, but the burden on the health care system is enormous. Even with Covid, many of the serious cases are happening in people who've made bad lifestyle choices as well...obesisty is said to be a huge factor, and with obesity come the attendant conditions like diabetes and heart disease that can turn covid from being benign to deadly.
I started smoking in my early teens and didn't succeed in quitting until I was, I think, 31, Gordie, so I know how intractable a habit it can be, despite its lethality. Like other vices, one cannot turn one's back on it just by knowing the statistics. One has to really want to end the habit; for me that motivation came when I started doing things to improve my health, like exercising and bike riding. I felt better, and wanted to keep the gains I had achieved. In that context, I began to really feel the desire to stop smoking. And that's when I stopped for good.