Despite the inspiring persona he peddled to win the last election, Justin Trudeau has turned out to be just another politician. As hard as that might be to accept, his betrayal of his promise to be something else, something better, is undeniable. For me personally, the sting of his failure to enact meaningful measures to combat climate change hurts the most.
And I am not alone in recognizing the fraud he perpetrated. Both The Toronto Star's editorial board and columnist Thomas Walkom offer lacerating assessments of the prime minister's perfidious antics. His most recent decision, to scale back the carbon tax, is emboldening the retrograde Doug Ford, Ontario's new premier with some very old (think 1950's) ideas:
... in scaling back one element of the national plan to put a price on carbon, Justin Trudeau managed to weaken an already too tepid program, and hand some provincial premiers — who are determined to oppose any carbon tax — more ammunition to fight in the court of public opinion, never mind, possibly, in the courts of law.The Ontario government is running with this retreat:
Emission-intensive industries that compete with companies in jurisdictions without a carbon tax, were already set to receive credits worth 70 per cent of what an average firm in their sector would pay under Ottawa’s plan.
Now, most won’t have to pay the carbon tax until their emissions reach 80 per cent. And four industries deemed to face particularly high competitive risks — iron and steel manufacturing, cement, lime and nitrogen fertilizer producers — won’t pay until they hit 90 per cent.
Already, Ontario’s Environment Minister Rod Phillips is crowing about how this change is proof that his government was right to kill Ontario’s cap-and-trade plan, and right to fight Ottawa’s carbon tax in court.All of which, of course, panders to a public that is far more eager to embrace willful ignorance than confront harsh reality, a hint of which was recently released by the Insurance Bureau of Canada, which revealed
2016’s record-breaking year of damage caused by natural disasters such as wildfires, floods and ice storms across the country cost $4.9 billion. And that was just in “insurable” damage.Thomas Walkom comes at this issue from a different perspective but with the same underlying premise, that Trudeau's weak carbon tax will accomplish little:
Before Ford became Ontario premier, Trudeau was in danger of being outed as a fraud on the all-important climate change file. But Ford is such a laggard in this area that no matter how little the Liberal prime minister does, he seems active by comparison.And Walkom offers compelling evidence that the emperor has no clothes, nor any real climate-change convictions as he echoes the old Harper way of doing things, such as mirroring U.S. behaviour:
Ford’s decision to challenge Trudeau’s carbon tax in court serves to obscure the reality of the proposed federal levy, namely that it is too low to be effective. And it allows Trudeau to continue pretending that his climate change strategy is vastly different from that of former Conservative prime minister Stephen Harper — when in fact it is not.
In 2016, he very publicly matched Obama’s decision to reduce methane emissions. A year later, after Donald Trump reversed that Obama move, Canada’s Liberal government quietly announced it would delay implementation of its new methane rules until 2023.But surely Trudeau's carbon tax marks a bold departure from American inaction? Well, not so much:
Last week, Ottawa announced even more quietly that it plans to ease proposed carbon tax rules for big industrial polluters in order to match the new laissez-faire attitude of the Trump regime.
Ottawa’s fallback carbon tax — set to start at $20 per tonne of greenhouse gas emissions next year and rising to $50 per tonne by 2022 — is too low. If carbon taxes are to work, they must be high enough to discourage consumers from using products, like gasoline, that create greenhouse gas emissions.Supporters of the Trudeau government will argue that something is better than nothing, and that economic realities constrain Trudeau's hand. The only problem with that thinking is that it is much, much latter than we like to think, and smiles, rhetoric and half-hearted measures will not slow the tide of the earth's inexorable march to a new normal, one that already is proving decidely unpleasant and deadly for millions of people.
Experts I’ve talked to say that, to be effective, carbon taxes must be set at about $30 per tonne now, rising to $200 a tonne by 2030.
There is no indication that the Liberal government is willing to be so audacious.
Trudeau has demoralized many doubters who, after the come-from-behind win and lofty rhetoric in 2015, had to question their skepticism. Did they dare hope for a return to a better Canada, a restoration Trudeau solemnly promised?
ReplyDeleteIt's all fallen apart. It has turned into a shit show. Even Trudeau's most ardent supporter no longer waves the flag and instead gnaws away on Andrew Scheer to fill his time.
In the States, many voters find there's not much sunlight that comes through between the Republicans and Democrats. That seems to be a hallmark of the corporate state. We too have seen a similar narrowing of the space between Liberals and Conservatives. Meanwhile the NDP, through their move to centrism, have all but taken themselves out of the game.
You're right. It is far too late to be stuck playing this childish carbon pricing game - with industry, with the provinces, with the public. This summer has demonstrated that the world is now in the throes of devastating climate change and it's not even seasonal, as we're seeing in Australia.
In Duncan, BC, a couple of days ago, Trudeau still shamelessly pitched the lie that the economy and the environment must go together, his Trumpian way of saying that the environment must be subordinated to the economy.
Trump was right. Trudeau is weak - and incredibly dishonest.
I, too, dared to hope for something better when Trudeau formed government, Mound. Like millions of others, I have come to realize how misplaced that hope was.
DeleteGlitz sells, Lorne. But, when you bring the product home, you discover that it breaks -- easily.
ReplyDeleteTruth in politics, as in advertising, has become a cruel joke, Owen.
Delete.. so much oxygen is being consumed pitching & pimping how tar sands pipelines, fracking pipelines (all for export) and all the hardly invisible, but never mentioned, infrastructure and environmental damage.. are key to (financing & growing ?) Canada's Economy & reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions..
ReplyDeleteSeems there is no oxygen left for breathless, justin Trudeau, Rachel Notely, Jason Kenney or John Horgan.. to explain or answer simple questions. Yes yes.. the wonder of energy exports to Asia ! But please define to whom exactly & when, and from where and for how much. Further, please total critically, the up front costs of subsidies and related royalty payments.. and where & to whom actual 'profit' flows.
Distinct legal requirement re monitoring and ultimate remediation should be defined. Just those for openers please..
Canadians keep getting hype of 'Growing the Economy' 'Nation Building' Endless 'High Paying Jobs' and 'Opening Up The Vast Asian Markets' - hupe after hype after hype.. Oh did I leave out 'World Class Dilbit Spill Cleanup Capability' ? And whatever happened to 'Energy Superpower' ?
Most of these folks seem to have zero idea what fracking requires to get LNG to a supertanker.. or Dilbit to Washington State.. so why do we even listen ?
.. need I also mention that the 65 year old Trans Mountain Pipeline will be paid for (4.6 Billion) by Canadian taxpayers, not Justin Trudeau. The actual 'twinning' to expand it (7 - 9 Billion) even with a stake by Alberta' Ms Notely on behalf of Albertans, will be paid for by taxpayers.. who were never consulted, never ratified the expenditures.. and have only vague hyperbole of where such Dilbit will go. Purportedly, The Royal Tar Sands will not ramp up extraction and basic refinement for pipeline travel. But the number of Aframax supertankers thrashing thru the Salish Sea is expected to rise drastically. Bound for somewhere.. or even nowhere
ReplyDeleteAll of which points to the overall contempt this government feels toward citizens, Sal. They assume, and probably rightly so, that the majority will not ask the questions that need to be asked, thus enabling people like Trudeau and his pimps to continue with their contemptuous and empty rhetoric.