Sunday, March 5, 2017

How Must It Feel?

Since the installation of Donald Trump in the White House, I have wondered how it must feel to the average American who is neither unhinged nor incapable of critical thought to have a man so obviously deranged leading their country. This latest episode of Trump's paranoid demagoguery surely must be a source of deep consternation to such people:


  1. I think many Americans are embarrassed Lorne. Trumps bizarre tweets just keep coming. It might as well be the 3 stooges running the country.

    1. Something tells me even Moe (I'm not so sure about Curly or Larry) would excel in the position, relatively speaking, Pamela.

  2. I'm proud of all the bribe-taking public servants. Sure they betray the public trust and have put the Western economy on the verge of collapse into fascist revolutions and world war. But at least they PRETEND to be ethical!

    As a proud member of the fake left I embrace fake virtue, fake democracy, fake news, fake technocracy, and fake civilization. It's just so much easier to fake it!


    1. Your what I assume to be irony is noted, MAGA.

  3. Trump's obvious instability is, I think, of deep concern worldwide, RuralRoots.
