Friday, November 22, 2013

At Issue: Harper's Obfuscation

The Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary offers the following definition of obfuscate: to make obscure; to confuse. As an intransitive verb, it means to be evasive, unclear, or confusing.

I suspect that those engaged citizens following the details of the Senate scandal that continues to dog the Prime Minister and shows no sign of abatement would agree that both forms of the verb apply to the sad Nixonian performance of Stephen Harper and his operatives. During both Parliament's Question Period and TV interviews with the likes of his Parliamentary Secretary, Paul Calandra, the refrain is always the same: "I told Mr. Duffy to repay his inappropriate expenses," and "This was a secret deal between Nigel Wright and Mike Duffy."

As his channeling of Sgt Schultz grows increasingly predictable and tiresome, his credibility (if he really has any) diminishes proportionally. And yet to call the Prime Minister a liar would be unseemly for journalists, so euphemisms abound. Last night's At Issue Panel on The National offers some good examples; the discussion also leaves one with the very real sense of Andrew Coyne's barely contained disgust with the Prime Minister:


  1. Andrew Coyne has conservative leaning. If he is disgusted with PM then his Con backing is weakening.

    I could not watch video because CBC site has some problem with software but it is clear Harper's obfuscation is catching up with him.

    1. It is always a reason for hope, LD, when the right starts eating its own young.

  2. Harper's body language when he was (not) answering those two reporters' questions said it all. Harper looked like a man on the run. Notice how his hands were shaking when he lifted the glass to drink. It will get even more interesting, just wait.

    1. I did notice a tremble, Anon, along with the fact that he took two sips of water. I wonder what dry-mouth in these circumstances might indicate?

  3. The story just doesn't hold water, Lorne. This was never about one low level rogue employee. This is about the blood which flows through the heart of the Harper government.

    1. And I ardently hope the electorate will drive a stake through that heart in 2015, Owen.
