Sunday, March 27, 2011

What Do Harper's Tactics Reveal About the Man?

If we really stop to think about them, the overwhelmingly negative nature of Prime Minister Harper's government and his campaign tactics reveal something that should deeply concern everyone. It occurs to me that all of the contempt his government has shown for Parliamentary democracy, all of the corrosive hatred and fear-mongering infesting his attack ads and his poisonous public pronouncements that so far substitute for a platform, are predicated on a core philosophy: that the people of Canada are stupid and easily manipulated, that power is to be won at any cost, and that collateral damage, i.e., the moral and psychological health of the nation, is of no consequence.

Is this really the man we want to be leading our nation?


  1. YES, Harper is the MAN we want running our Nation!
    If the other two parties were even remotely conservative with their spending, no sweat heart deals, no vote pandering, no special interest groups, no carbon tax, no wasteful spending, no bloated gov't as a means to create employment, no expensive dirty green energy, no LHIN's, no cutting our Health Care, not raising our taxes for every whim of theirs,
    then things would be different.
    YES, CANADIANS ARE TIRED OF BEING RAPED, POLICED, NANNY STATE & RED TAPE! The liberals have gone way to far. Stephen Harper, like Mayor Rob Ford is for the people.

  2. Thank you for your post. I wonder if you could be more specific in your assertions about the other parties you refer to, and perhaps keep matters of provincial jurisdiction out of the discussion.
