Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Harper Places New Restrictions On Press

In a Globe online article I just read, new restrictions are being placed on the kinds of questions the P.M will entertain:

Conservative officials ... announced the national Harper tour would no longer take questions on local campaigns.

This is in reaction to some embarrassment the poor boy has experienced lately, and is in addition to the 4 questions he will allow from national reporters per day.

I have only one question: Why does the press let him get away with this?


  1. The obvious first question at Mr Harper's next stop should be: "Why will you no longer take questions on local campaigns?"

  2. The obvious answer, Brian, would be that it puts our troops at risk! Or, it would threaten our security, somehow....:)

  3. Brian's question should be the only one asked until this restriction is lifted. Don't give him opportunities to make pithy sound bytes until he agrees to play by democratic rules again.

    Actually, I have a better one. THIS is the one that needs to be asked first:

    "Does that mean you're saying you can't take responsibility for people running under the Conservative banner?"

    Let him wriggle out of that one. And in the meantime, why isn't the media asking about Doug Finley's place in the war room? He said on Twitter he was going there. He shouldn't be there either.
