Friday, May 4, 2018

Aerial Porcine Presence Reported

Must be true, since Fox is now criticizing Trump:


  1. Old dogs/new tricks. Cavuto doesn't get it. He's describing the Donald Trump Republicans voted into office. Cavuto refuses to see that every one of Trump's gaffes, all of his lies, are rooted in a very deep pathology.

    This guy turns 72 in June. He's not going to change because he can't. Look at the way he's structured and staffed his own White House, surrounded himself with sycophants, how readily he perceives disagreement as firing-grade disloyalty.

    This Stormy saga reveals that Trump considers truth to be whatever he was last told to say in public. He's always telling the truth because he never allows himself to be connected to the previous falsehood. This is the guy who never apologizes because he mentally purges himself of everything for which an apology is due. When something won't go away he ties it to someone else and transfers the blame to his sacrificial whipping boy.

    The is one diseased mind.

    1. I just read that Trump said Guiliani got everything wrong about the Stormy Daniels payoff, Mound. Of course he did. Of course he did.

  2. What happens when he loses Fox News?

    1. The end will then be nigh for him, Owen, I assume.
