Tuesday, July 26, 2022

The (Once) Mighty Oz

Until he was bitten by the fame bug, Mehmet Oz apparently had a reputation as a respected cardiac surgeon. However, once he got the nod from Oprah and was given the Doctor Oz show, his ego swelled and his credibility and integrity oozed away. He reached his nadir when he embraced that narcissitic psychopath, disgraced ex-president, Donald Trump, along with all of his wacky protestations about rigged elections.

It was hardly a surprise that Oz's sycophancy won him Trump's endorsement and he now stands as Pennsylvania's Republic nominee for the 2022 Senate mid-term election. 

Want to know more about this sad, debased example of  humanity? How about a peek behind the curtain?


  1. .. This appears to be the era of electing Circus Side Show Freaks
    appointing or anointing them for monetary reward on taxpayers dime.. One of the latest examples is dear Dr Leslyn Lewis, CPC MP & 5th degree Holy Roller Evangelical parachuted into former tobacco country as she’s unelectable where she actually lives & is an independent Lawyer, highly educated as well. Or how about Jordan Peterson.. pal of Bitcoin Boy Poilievre .. pimping his book on curing Depression & Disease - with meat ! Co-Published with his daughter in her bikini on the cover, him lurking in background.. by the water.. seemingly in a sarong or beach towel

    1. There is no doubt, Anon, that we have our share of grifters here as well. Your examples illustrate that clearly.
