Thursday, July 28, 2022

UPDATED: One Thing About Moudakis

 He certainly doesn't play political favourites.

UPDATE: Graeme MacKay is no slouch either:


  1. I had the pleasure of meeting the late, great Ben Wick’s
    He was opening a restaurant designed by Wood Wilkings, my very 1st Pro photog client ! (that’s a good tale by the way)
    The restaurant was in Cabbagetown, a heartbeat from one of my best friend’s, Family Hardware Store, Nettleships Hardware

    I don’t recall Ben taking any prisoners .. but he ‘counted coup’ daily, if not more.. & took many scalps. To claim it was a treat, shooting the architectural design & decor both inside & out.. the rollout, training, opening etc was electrifying.. Ben was a natural

    I’m sure it’s obvious.. my envy of those who can illustrate, comment & surgically dismantle the likes of Ford, Poilievre, Kenney, Harper, Ray Novak, Jenni Byrne et al Inc ad infinitum

    Is it the last bastion, the final redoubt of Non Partisan Truth ?
    Cartooning ? The modern ‘Court Jesters’ ? Darn good question !

    🦎 salamander ..

    1. Good editorial cartoonists do indeed have a special eye and a special talent, Sal. I follow Mo0udakis on Twitter, and his responses to those he offends are hilarious. The best part is that he never takes his critics, or himself, too seriously.

  2. I wonder if Banksy is now the ultimate ‘cartoonist’ Lorne !
    Works in Public Places as his canvas, Seemingly a complete mystery. The works are seemingly transient as he or someone ‘installs’ them somehow, impossibly, magically even.. as Performance Art’. Last one I saw was discovered inside a subway I believe. And wasn’t it removed by a mysterious Maintenance Crew very quickly ?

    ‘The Boss’ is not amused.. but I’m wowed every time
    I know an eminent Toronto based artist, Robin Collyer who creates Art in Public Spaces.. an example is a cash machine kiosk on a busy corner that turns the mundane into a bamboo hut & he’s thrived as new Public Buildings must include serious % budget for highly visible Public Art. I’m behind and out of touch with him lately.. but can say without reservation, he’s one of the most interesting & bright persons I’ve ever met, his wife as well, one of Canada’s greatest painters.. often working in very large scale

    The entire northern wall of ‘The Ben Wicks’ building was of course the impish Ben in B & W.. not sure if it still remains.. but who could paint over it !

    1. Clearly, art is fluid and always evolving, Sal. There are things I see that strike a responsive cord while others leave me cold. It is all ultimately in the eye of the holder, I suppose.
