Sunday, April 19, 2020

Build That Wall!

It is our only hope of keeping out citizens of the Benighted States of America such as these:


  1. Is it possible that we're witnessing the rise of real tribalism in America, Lorne? The United States is deeply riven across a host of lines - political, economic, racial, religious,cultural, regional and more. These fault lines seem to be widening, deepening and, as they do, they undermine social cohesion. When that goes, what remains of a people? I suppose it's natural to feel insecure and, from that, to seek out the most compatible tribe.

    Remember this is a nation that has a segment that still hasn't accepted the outcome of a civil war that ended in 1865. If a perceived grievance can be sustained for 155-years, by people many of whom have no direct ancestral connection to the war, isn't that tribal?

    There is a certain malevolence to this. These divisions have been cultivated for the benefits they bestow on those who nurture them. This is particularly true of today's far right that sows fear among its own followers to motivate their allegiance and stoke their paranoia and intolerance of the "other."

    I don't see how that sort of society can last, not in the era of such dangerous looming threats.

    1. The downward trajectory of the U.S. can only be hastened by the current crisis and obvious vacuum of national leadership, Mound. For a more enlightened people, this would be a call to irrevocable revolution, but I doubt that is the outcome we will see in such a divided and benighted country as the United States is.

  2. Lincoln had it right: A house devided against itself cannot stand.

    1. A shame that the Republican Party has no Lincolns up its sleeve today, Owen.

  3. .. I usually utilize the term 'factional strife' .. rather than tribalism. But that must reflect my suspicion or belief that 'religion', some sort of mythology, fantasy or sheer ignorance, greed or 'greater need', far supercedes any 'nationality. Perhaps I think 'tribalism' is perfectly natural when it functions within the normal boundaries of Mother Nature - Environment In Balance.. (when & where will that harmony ever occur again though ?)

    What's occurring in the USA currently is circuit overload on several levels.. and those levels range right up to personal economic 'desperation'.. but I question the bonafides of people rushing the Florida beaches or protesting on the steps of governmental buildings while carrying guns.. just as I would question 'road rage'

    But then I also question the sanity or sheer ignorance of attendees at a Trump rally.. just as I must question in the very same way, those who elect the likes of Mitch McConnell or must watch Alex Jones or Sean Hannity daily.

    Perhaps a crude analogy may help. In general a cowflop can be cut in two distinct pieces.. or fractions. But one can pass a knife through a pail of liquid manure and leave no trace a moment later.. what does that mean in terms of the USA or tribalism ? I have no idea.. maybe just a bad analogy.. but a truly large number of American voted for a parasitic buffoon.. rather than a woman who appeared to think 'it was her turn' to be President.. and fell short for a large number of reasons.. not all of them completely clear.. So perhaps a novel viral political tribalism ? And does it even matter ? Sometimes 'it is what it is' .. like a herd that spooks & stampedes over a cliff.. what spooked them ? Nobody knows.. but 'it is what it is' .. a pile of dead cattle at the foot of a high cliff..

    1. In today's Star, Heather Mallick has some interesting observations about what she terms the servility of Americans, Sal, which she offers as an explanation for their response to Trump.
