Thursday, May 23, 2019

The Kindest Cut Of All?

Given the butcher's blade Doug Ford and his trained seals are taking to crucial services and programs in Ontario, perhaps the following best reflects the widespread disenchantment people are expressing with the government they helped elect.


  1. .. as we recall in salamander country.. A failed and flailing City councillor of no repute, Doug Ford 'came to power' via the stunning young girl / alcohol ethical lapses of one party boy bachelor Patrick Brown, already crowned the next Premier lf Ontario.. but suddenly vacating, tearfully.. creating a 'leadership' void in the provincial 'conservatives' of Ontario.. so there you go eh.. in comes Doug

    Coincidentally.. Madam Premier Wynne waves the white flag.. her free ride time was up.. blown by factual grand larceny, McGuinty incompetance or failure or all of them (take your pick) events she was part and parcel with & of.. plus was in up her neck in..

    FOLKS .. that's what begat Doug Ford - happening to Ontario.. he just oozed at the right time.. a perfect wave of .. uh .. ooze ? Ideological pus ? That's how flimsy the Ontario Liberals are - were .. that a thug like Doug could sleeze in.

    On a larger federal scale.. we see Justin Trudeau.. trying to 'gift" Canadians with Andrew Scheer et al.. Seriously FOLKS .. Justin trying hard to snatch defeat from an automatic victory.. it beggers belief ..

    1. Ooze is the perfect noun to describe what has happened in Ontario, Sal. And the infection that caused it shows few signs of abatement.

  2. Ford rode a wave of anger into office, Lorne. He's stoking that anger now -- but it's boomeranged against him. You can't start this kind of a fire and not become a victim of it.

    1. He has some hard lessons ahead of him, Owen, something that is hard to take when you are "the smartest guy in the room."
