The Ministry of Truth has released the following message from Our Glorious Leader. Widespread distribution is strongly encouraged.
My Friends, Citizens of Ontarioland:
It has come to My attention that the media, the Official Enemy Of The State, has been spreading lies in order to undermine confidence in, and devotion to, Me. In our fair and democratic society, such sedition cannot be overlooked, and you can rest assured that the offenders will soon be offered placement in many of our fine Reeducation Camps strategically located across our fine realm.
In the interim, however, it behooves Me to set the record straight (historical records will be amended as well, at a later date):
Enemy Number One is a perfidious scribe named Edward Keenan. Fortunately, his scurrilous misinformation is not online, but only in the printed edition of his propaganda organ, The Toronto Star, which nobody reads anyway.
Calling me an axe-wielding agent of chaos, he offers the following treasonous lies:
Here was city [of Toronto] manager Chris Murray, in the letter to councillors about the cuts to child care: “The city was not consulted or provided with any advance warning about these changes.”Such defamation flies in the face of the fact that I am famous for consulting the people. I talked to thousands upon thousands in Ontarioland who told me they want new efficiencies that will make elected officials acknowledge the bloat found in every publicly-funded institution, be it health care, education, child care, library services or council size. And they are demanding lower taxes. As a humble instrument of the people, I do as demanded.
Sound familiar? The first clause of that sentence read, “As with recent changes to the provincial/municipal costsharing arrangements for public health,” referencing another set of cuts that arrived as a surprise and occupied the city’s attention these past couple of weeks. But it could have said, “As with the sudden cutting of the size of city council in half in the middle of an election campaign,” or, “As with the changes to the city’s transit plan using new routes and new technology,” or, “As with the decision to shortchange the city for hundreds of millions of dollars in gas tax revenue Premier Ford had directly promised to deliver.”
In each case — and in others affecting those across the province using library services, caring for children with autism, or attending and working for the school system, to cite just a few more examples — the people directly affected by these multimillion-dollar decisions were taken by surprise by the drastic, immediate changes to the services they rely on or deliver. No notice, no advance consultation or negotiation and, apparently, very little consideration of any effect beyond the one on the bottom line.
Happily, there are many efforts underway to set the record straight:
“In an attempt to protect child-care funding for future generations, our government is looking at ways to better deliver services and reduce administrative costs,” Education Minister Lisa Thompson’s office said.My ever-loyal and doting Minister went further to explain the kindness we are bestowing with our budget 'adjustments:
Thompson’s office says, “we are challenging municipalities to reduce their administrative spending.”
“In an attempt to protect childcare funding for future generations, our government is looking at ways to better deliver services and reduce administrative costs,” said an aide to Education Minister Lisa Thompson.I realize holding up a mirror to the profligate spenders and socialists amongst us is an unpleasant experience for them, but The Truth must be known.
“To be crystal clear, these reductions are primarily at the administrative level. We are challenging municipalities to reduce their administrative spending on child care delivery by 5 per cent and refocus that funding on things like subsidies for low-income families,” said Kayla Iafelice.
“The city of Toronto should be looking at ways to make their operations more efficient instead of passing on these costs to parents,” said Iafelice
“There is no need for a single child care space to be lost as a result of a 5 per cent administrative change. Any reductions in childcare spaces would be the result of the city of Toronto’s own decision-making.”
Spirited discussion is to be encouraged in a democracy as glorious and healthy as ours. However, when that discussion moves into the realm of lies and seditious commentary, your government will always act in the best interests of the people, and deal with dispatch and resolve in stopping such attempts to foment discontent.
Remember, I am always For The People.

Indeed Lorne, Frord seems to be using Orwell's novels as a guide book, your closing graphic says it all!
ReplyDeleteOrwell was one of the most prescient writers of the Twentieth Century, Rural, but his lessons surely apply to our times as well, if not more so.
DeleteAnd excellent post, Lorne. Jonathan Swift would approve.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Owen. These days, I think of George Orwell a great deal.
Delete.. scathing ..
ReplyDeleteI believe Jason Kenney is going to streamline and insist his perceptions on Pre - Surgical - Post procedures - need to be adapted - there are 'efficiencies' he (a noted surgeon) has noted, from American private clinics... (damn, but that man certainly slimmed down.. lost a lot of fat for the election & promotional photo ops.. lost the hog jowls.. so he should know.. non ?)
Thus that no ted 'edacature' Dug Ford wil set the protercalls fer eduction caricuslums in Ontrario ..in his basemont wreck room, weakly, with Frank McVety.. that blighted evangelical blasphemer & gawdsent screemer wanko.. (MuckVeety an edyoucrater too eh !)
That my friend.. and 'folks' .. is your Ford 'brain trust'.. war room.. that is YOUR provincial government 'oracle' ..
PS .. Dug does not like
.. those alternative energy - cancer causing windmills either,,
Whenever I hear a Con use the word "efficiencies" I cringe, Sal. Which reminds me of Orwell's essay, Politics and the English Language, in which he eviscerates the use of euphemisms in politicians' hands. Wouldn't it be great if the general public would substitute "slash and burn" every time they heard the word "efficiencies"?