Friday, June 22, 2018

This Is What They Are Fleeing

While Trump and his apostles demonize the migrant families seeking sanctuary in the U.S. as rapists and drug dealers, here is a part of their reality the profoundly intolerant choose to ignore:


  1. I've seen interviews with Trump supporters. For most - i.e. old white people - what is going on in Central America is irrelevant. The fact is that most of Trump's base wants "white Amerika"back. MAGA, MAGA,MAWA - Make Amerika White Again.

    1. Nice that they can ignore all the misery their country's various interventions in Central America has caused, Mound. But hey, a white fantasy beats out reality any day of the week, eh?


    "And there was also the disastrous impact of NAFTA and the war on drugs on Mexico’s economy, driving millions north in search of work to support themselves and their relatives at home. And through it all the pattern of settlement in the southwestern US has not changed very much. Until this reality – that the border may have been moved in 1848, but not the demographics of the population – is acknowledged in the debate on what to do with the migration across the US’s southern border, then it will not be possible to formulate feasible, acceptable, and suitable policies for immigration into the US across the southern border and how to best regulate and regularize it."

    1. Your link makes for some very interesting reading, Jay. Human and geographic realities do not always congrue. Thanks!
