Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Slouching Towards Bethlehem

In what I think was an underreported story, Russian has announced the following:

Russia will make changes to its doctrine on the use of nuclear weapons in response to what it regards as western escalation in the war in Ukraine, state media quoted deputy foreign minister Sergei Ryabkov as saying on Sunday.

The existing nuclear doctrine, set out in a decree by President Vladimir Putin in 2020, says Russia may use nuclear weapons in the event of a nuclear attack by an enemy or a conventional attack that threatens the existence of the state. Some hawks among Russia’s military analysts have urged Putin to lower the threshold for nuclear use in order to “sober up” Russia’s enemies in the west. Ryabkov’s comments on Sunday were the clearest statement yet that changes would indeed be made. “The work is at an advanced stage, and there is a clear intent to make corrections,” state news agency Tass cited Ryabkov as saying. The decision was “connected with the escalation course of our western adversaries” in connection with the Ukraine conflict.

The above should not come as any real suprsie, given the proxy war currently being fought in the Ukraine between the U.S. and Russia. Nonetheless, it is a sobering start to the post-Labour-Day week, isn't it?

In other news,  a war of another kind looks increasingly likely after the next U.S. election. Peter Stone reports that Trump and his cabal are busy laying the groundwork for civil war.

Donald Trump and election denialist allies at Turning Point USA, True the Vote and other Maga stalwarts are spreading conspiracy theories about election fraud in order to lay the groundwork for charging the election was rigged if Trump loses, warn election experts and some veteran Republicans.

 John Giles, the Republican mayor of Mesa Arizona who spoke at the Democratic national convention in August in support of Vice-President Kamala Harris’s campaign for the presidency, said that former president Trump and his allies “will throw everything at the wall and see what sticks”, if Trump loses.

He added: “They’ll claim everything went wrong if they lose. I’d be surprised if Trump doesn’t try to foment insurrection if he loses the election.”

The endgame is in sight: 

“A lot of false claims are masquerading as efforts to change policy to improve election integrity when in actuality they’re just designed to sow distrust in our system if Trump loses,” said David Becker who leads the Center for Election Innovation and Research. “This is all designed to manufacture claims that if Trump loses, the election was stolen and to sow discord, chaos and potential violence.”

Voter suppression also is part of the plan:

Although they lack the resources of Kirk’s well funded operations, Texas based True the Vote has long played a role in pushing election conspiracies about voting fraud at drop boxes and other bogus charges, and the group is once more working to sow doubt in Wisconsin.

Catherine Engelbrecht, who founded True the Vote in 2009, in an interview on 30 July with Christian nationalist and self-styled prophet Lance Wallnau, said her group was partnering with a few sheriffs in Wisconsin to monitor drop boxes for voting fraud using camera equipment that the group plans to provide.

Given the general low level of awareness and intelligence that exists in the U.S., expect anything but a smooth transition should Kamala Harris and her party succeed in November.   




  1. That American ruse of invade to prevent the use of "weapons of mass destruction" or enable "regime change" not going to work on Russia.
    Que the A.I. generated video. Nothing will be as it appears. (not that that is a new concept with bias, framing, editing and production of issues being the standard since the 60s)

    1. In war, as they say, lungta, truth is the first casualty. Some things never change.

  2. Back, I guess it would be in 2019, a US blogger suggested that there was a chance of a coup d'état in Washington. I thought he was crazy. Oops, January 6 arrives. I really think it was a half-assed coup attempt mixed in with many demonstrators who were just mad about the election. Trump and his coterie were far too incompetent to pull off a coup. Merci au bon Dieu.

    The real question that we have to worry about is what happens as the US war against Russia turns into a total defeat (like Vietnam) and we may very likely, see armed groups fighting in the USA. Six months ago, I'd have said this was crazy. Today, I am not sure.

    Since roughly 1815 we have assumed a stabile border to our South. I am not sure this holds any more. What I see is a horde of refugees or an invasion. At the moment either or even both seems possible.

    I rather jokingly predicted a refugee horde fleeing a Trump victory in 2016. I was wrong in that I was predicting a White Liberal flight but what we got was a Haitian flight. I have no idea who may flee this time.

    1. Given the rampant instability of the denizens of Amerika, Anon, all things are possible. Parenthetically, when Americans said they would flee to Canada if Trump won in 2016, all I could think about was was their absolute hubris. What made them think they could just come here? They likely assumed we would welcome them with open arms and allow them to circumvent traditional channels for immigration, which, I believe, is a real miscalculation on their part.

    2. Most people in the USA have little knowledge of the rest of the world. I remember making a joke about Ottawa to a young couple from Albany, New York. A school teacher and an engineer. We were less than 100km from Ottawa at the time. Neither was aware that Ottawa was the capital of Canada.

      The joke fell flat.

    3. It reminds me, Anon, of Rick Mercer's Talking to Americans. Even on the university campuses, the level of ignorance was abysmal.

  3. Hi Lorne. Completely off topic but I wanted to share an article from The Lancet in July. It's a research paper dealing with the true death toll from Israel's war on Gaza. There's more than meets the eye. A lot more:

    "Armed conflicts have indirect health implications beyond the direct harm from violence. Even if the conflict ends immediately, there will continue to be many indirect deaths in the coming months and years from causes such as reproductive, communicable, and non-communicable diseases. The total death toll is expected to be large given the intensity of this conflict; destroyed health-care infrastructure; severe shortages of food, water, and shelter; the population's inability to flee to safe places; and the loss of funding to UNRWA, one of the very few humanitarian organisations still active in the Gaza Strip.

    "In recent conflicts, such indirect deaths range from three to 15 times the number of direct deaths. Applying a conservative estimate of four indirect deaths per one direct death to the 37 396 deaths reported, it is not implausible to estimate that up to 186 000 or even more deaths could be attributable to the current conflict in Gaza."

    Israel went to war after Hamas captured 251 (Israel's own numbers) hostages. To date it has killed 40,000 Palestinians in Gaza while "settlers" have attacked an killed 500 Palestinians in the Occupied Territories, a.k.a. the West Bank.

    So, 40,000 could well morph into 186,000 lives lost attributable to Israel's war on Gaza.

    1. Hi Mound. Good to hear from you. Those are deeply disturbing numbers that clearly demonstrate the depth of the atrocity of Israeli retribution. Their war crimes of collective punishment are made even worse by such statistics.

    2. .. hello’s to MOS of course - & in addition might add - have read one highly concerning article re Ground Contamination as well as Methane - but following the Hamas Terrorist Assault - the ‘war in Palestine ended in the first Days & evolved into a Decimation & Urban Levelling & purportedly over 1,000,000 Palestines would be ‘Migrated to an Un-Named Mediterranean Island.. I assume ‘ bellingcat ‘ has a verifiable actual status quo - what MOS reports is far beyond appalling .. Mass Media today seems ‘All about Modulating the Public’s Perceptions & Opinions.. 🦎🏴‍☠️.

    3. Agreed, Sal. I often look at media narratives and frames while I watch the news, and there are definitely filters in reporting the entire 'operation' taking place in Gaza.

  4. The RAND Corporation predicted last month that "not since 1968—a tumultuous year marked by assassinations, division, and widespread rioting—has the threat of political violence loomed as large as it does today."


    1. Thanks for the link, Mound. A sobering read that demonstrates there is no room for complacence in helping to keep democracies healthy.

  5. There is a sea change coming; can't put my finger on it!

    perhaps the no product economy has reached the end of it's B.S ?


    1. Thanks for the links, TB. I was especially gladdened to read about Trump's stock slump. Even the grifted are getting wise to the grifter, eh?

  6. I’m sticking with ‘Capture the Media & the Palace is Yours.. 🦎🏴‍☠️

    1. I'm sensing some cynicism here, Sal. ;)

    2. Not at all .. This is clearly reflected via ‘POLLS’ as ‘The Daily News - & Pierre Poilievre is now ‘Media.. Across the spectrum of SocialMedia he is the most Seen Visited Copied Shared - Canadian Political News Source In Canada & MainStream Media
