Thursday, September 12, 2024

Deeply Offensive

 I'm sure MAGA purists will find this deeply offensive, which is one of the reasons I love it:


  1. .. the Emperor found Naked .. 🦎🏴‍☠️

    1. It is a very good look from my perspective, Sal.

  2. I found this online. If you're still undecided, it is like having a flight attendant ask if you would like the chicken or a lump of shit covered in broken glass and you ask "how is the chicken cooked."

    There's a disturbing article in The Guardian about how the MAGA GOP is insinuating election denial and vote fraud fanatics in the electoral apparatus at the riding level across the swing states. They're aiming to derail the election should the count not go their way. I hope Biden can ensure that isn't allowed to happen.

    You might want to check out this preview of a documentary "#UnTruth."

    1. I have seen a few news reports that suggest measures are being taken, Mound, to ensure faith in the process. Whether that will help counteract the efforts to sow doubt is anyone's guess. The irrational are hard to convince.

      Thanks for the link. I'll definitely check it out.

  3. While I have your ear I see our friend, Kinsella, is still beating Netanyahu's drum. The mass slaughter of Palestinian civilians troubles him not in the least.

    Israel now admits the hostage-taking incident that sparked this carnage consisted of 251 Israelis. To date, Israel has inflicted 40,000 deaths on the Gazans.

    An article in last month's Lancet gives a conservative estimate of deaths approximating 180,000 before this is over:

    The Lancet medical journal recently published an estimate of deaths in Gaza from several respected scientists, who outline their process of estimation (comparison with similar conflicts) and final numbers. They estimate that about 186,000 total deaths could be attributable to the current conflict in Gaza, which is roughly 7.9% of its population, by mid-June 2024. This high number is despite various ceasefire agreements over the past six months. If deaths continue at this rate – about 23,000 a month – there would be an additional 149,500 deaths by the end of the year, some six and half months from the initial mid-June estimate. Using the method, the total deaths since the conflict began would be estimated at about 335,500 in total."

    1. That is very disturbing, Mound, but makes the use of the term "genocide" totally justified here. I don't know how much longer the world can temper its responses to this grave and ongoing crime against humanity.

  4. The Washington Post has an opinion piece exposing the emerging post-Liberal right, a neo-Catholic movement represented by, among others, JD Vance.

    "Most Americans haven’t heard of the post-liberal right, the small but influential group of conservative, mostly Catholic men who have declared that liberal democracy, the animating principle of America’s founding, has failed and want to bring about a new social order where there is no separation of church and state and men and a hyperconservative Catholicism reign supreme."

    "...these men idolize the authoritarian Viktor Orbán, the prime minister of Hungary. They’re also nostalgic for Spain as it was run by the dictator Franco and see Orbán’s government and Franco’s as potential models for the kind of regime they wish to install in the United States."

    The writer contends this group has integrated into MAGA and see it as a ready-made vehicle to advance their cause once Trump is a memory.

    That got me thinking about the US Supreme Court and the court's recent authoritarian bent. Of the nine justices there is one Jew, two Protestants and the remaining six are Catholics (including Alito and Thomas). While 23% of Americans identify as Catholic the church is present in the votes of two out of three justices and they are definitely nudging the court to the far right. With that imbalance, Roe v. Wade didn't stand a chance.

    1. Thanks for this information, Mound, which explains a lot. It seems that theocracy holds quite an attraction for many; perhaps it is the inevitable conclusion to the MAGA mentality, which clearly prefers to see the world in stark, bifurcated terms, a world where nuanced and critical thinking are simply diabolic processes to provoke doubt, the archenemy of their absolutism.

  5. As if the post-liberalism campaign that threatens American democracy isn't enough, memos leaked to the New York Times show the US Supreme Court has its thumb on the scales to assist Trump. Bear in mind that, while 23% of Americans identify as Catholic, six of the nine justices are Catholic.

    1. Thanks for the link. It makes, as so much does these days, for disturbing reading. One does wonder, if the voters choose Trump as their next president, how much longer the republic will stand.
