Saturday, August 10, 2024

The Optics Of Optimism

While I realize that the U.S. is not our country, I am nothing less than rivetted by its current politics. Obviously, whatever happens in that country has an outsized effect on the rest of the world. It is therefore so refreshing and hopeful that the Democrats seem to have found a winning combination in Kamala Harrris and Tim Walz. 

While it would be unforgivably naive to  place an unconditional bet on their unqualified virtue, they at least have the advantage of being a new combination, one that stands in sharp contrast to the mad meanderings of Don Trump and the viciousness of J.D. Vance. And the latest polling seems to suggest that there is a huge appetite both for change and optimism.

Vice President Kamala Harris leads former President Donald J. Trump in three crucial battleground states, according to new surveys by The New York Times and Siena College, the latest indication of a dramatic reversal in standing for Democrats after President Biden’s departure from the presidential race remade it.

Ms. Harris is ahead of Mr. Trump by four percentage points in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Michigan, 50 percent to 46 percent among likely voters in each state. The surveys were conducted from Aug. 5 to 9.

The polls, some of the first high-quality surveys in those states since Mr. Biden announced he would no longer run for re-election, come after nearly a year of surveys that showed either a tied contest or a slight lead for Mr. Trump over Mr. Biden.

While policy is an important, even vital, component of any platform, there is something else at work here as well: presentation. In her speech to UAW members, Harris clearly delineates, with a quiet passion, the stark differences between her orientation and that of the increasingly desperate and deranged Trump. I. would suggest that you start at about the 2:18 mark to get a flavour of her message.

A message of unity, hope and concern for the collective well-being of people is much needed in the fractured America that exists today. Let's hope its citizens heed that message.


  1. Trump is going down, bigly!


    1. It is the ardent hope of many, many people, TB.
