Wednesday, August 21, 2024

A Piercing Sound

I am almost deafened by the dogwhistle here, as a tired and deflated Trump blows as hard as he can.

You can provide your own translation of "suburban housewives" here, I am sure, to uncover the real message to the red meat Maga crowd.


  1. "suburban housewives" == "Karens".

    It is reassuring to see that Mr Trump is continuing his call to all the xenophobes, racists, and America Firsters who strongly believe in American exceptionalism. One hates to have to change one's opinion of a bigoted idiot this far into the game.

    I'm sure he's going to get close to 100% of the votes from whatever is left of the Ku Klux Klan and the Jonn Birch Society though I'm not sure that he's going to do well with the newer groups such as the Proud Boys.

    1. He knows the audience he can count on, Anon, but hopefully they will not be nearly enough to get him re-elected.


  2. He's a man who operates from deep seated prejudices, Lorne. Logic and facts are of no value to him.

    1. The bottom of the barrel is a location Trump is well-acquainted with, Owen.
