Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Just Keep Talking - Part Two

As I said in a previous post,  all the Republicans need to do is keep on talking to ensure that Democrats have the greatest chance to retain the White House. Below is a prime example of what I am taking about:


Jon Voight says Obama is committing a “war crime” by controlling “cackling hyena” Harris, the Left wants to steal your children & make them all trans, Trump is the messiah, & everyone who votes for Harris will commit the worst crime in human history and God will punish us. Weird.

As the saying goes, a mind is a terrible thing to waste.


  1. The US political scene is a hot house of lies and conspiracy theories most of which are unrelated to true daily life.
    Whilst we have always had some conspiracy theories around ; since Michael Moore's movie Fahrenheit 9/11 conspiracy has become the fall back response to many daily situations.
    Critical thinking is becoming an obsolete virtue!

    1. I do despair over the scarcity of thinking skills these days, TB. It's what the crazed right wing counts on.

  2. Another "very stable genius "

    1. Oh, of that there can be no doubt, lungta. He apparently is also able to know the mind of the deity.

  3. As I said in a previous post, all the Republicans need to do is keep on talking to ensure that Democrats have the greatest chance to retain the White House.

    I think you have more trust in the US population than I have.

    At the moment the Republicans and the Democrats in the USA seem to have the same idiological/faith-based differences as Swift's "Little Endians" and "Big Endians".

    Crazed statements by somebody called Jon Voight are incidental albeit helpful. Of course, having to google who he is may mean I don't understand his level of influence.

    1. I'm not sure how much influence he now has, Anon, but he was once a well-respected actor. Perhaps he has always had the kind of views he expresses here, but maybe kept them to himself before Trump gave him licence to spew his peculiar madness.

      I think you are right that there is a commonality in political parties, but what I like about the shape of the campaign as it is emerging is the strong messaging by the Democrats of a clear choice. People tend to often view things in binary terms, so they now have a clear choice being offered. Far too often in the past the messaging was muddled and subdued. Not this time, however.

  4. All too often the rich and famous/infamous take it upon themselves to be the oracle of our times!
    All too often the masses just mop it up !
    Celebrity trumps ( sorry) rational thinking.

    1. I guess it takes a special kind of ego to pontificate like Voight, TB. In Trumpian circles, there is no shortage of self-important grifters.
