Saturday, May 18, 2024

This Is What They Have Become

Sometimes, no commentary is necessary. Their words indict themselves and their government: 

Marjorie Taylor Greene: “Why don’t you debate me?” AOC: “I think it’s gonna be self-evident” Marjorie Taylor Greene: “Yeah, you don’t have enough intelligence” James Comer: “Miss Greene, do you agree to unanimous consent to strike your words?” Marjorie Taylor Greene: “Yes, I’ll strike my words but I’m not apologizing” Jasmine Crockett: “I’m just curious to better understand your ruling. If someone on this committee then starts talking about somebody’s bleach blonde, bad built, butch body… that would not be engaging in personalities correct?” James Comer: “Uh, a what now?”


  1. As obnoxious as the governmental institutions of the USA are the bigger issue for Canadians is the US influence upon our , once/previous, governmental decorum.
    That we are being degraded into a world of depravity, by buzzwords memes etc , shows how little the average voter is engangaged within the political process!
    You get what you vote for!!! more often with regrets by those that cannot understand what happened?
    To cut it short..
    What the fuck happened???

    1. The circus that politics has become is surely a disincentive to political engagement, TB. I was just reading an article in The Star that addresses the disaffection of the young, and part of it has to do with the fact that they see nothing today that resonates with their own values and priorities. That they also must contend with the juvenile nastiness regularly on display compounds the problem.

  2. I think the disenchantment of 'youth' started many years ago.
    My now 39 years old daughter who takes her politics seriously has few friends that vote and fewer still that are aware of local or nation wide issues.
    These are the people who glean their news from social media; is there any wonder they are so disenfranchised?

    1. With so much negativity on social media, TB, I am not surprised, although conventional media, if one studies the positions and pronouncements of our 'leaders', often offer little reason for engagement either.
