Friday, May 17, 2024

Rabid, Unadulterated Hatred

The following is hard to watch, but captures the unadulterated hatred for Palestinians that grips some Israelis as they work hard to stop humanitarian aid to Gaza:

The narrative has clearly changed. At one time Israel was regarded as the little country that could - feisty, proud, and indefatigable.

They are now the region's ugly bullies, mindful only of themselves.


  1. Just as those that are abused can become abusers themselves
    the previously oppressed have become the oppressors.
    it's sad that though well meaning the USA's support of Israel has been abused by consecutive israeli governments as a means to absorb palestinian territory for their own use.
    In the end run Israel will suffer from a never ending war.

    1. It is to the shame of the U.S. that it has not tried to exert greater influence on the actions of Israel by using the weapons it ships there as a bargaining chip. My understanding is that Dwight Eisenhower was the last president to exert that influence, Anon.

  2. .. a disastrous ‘CONUNDRUM’ unfolding in the ‘immediate short term’ - spun from ‘Past Conundrums - fueled by utterly incompatible Religious Factionalism.. blended with ‘coveting thy neighbours ‘sea access’ - lands - resources - air space’

    Oddly - ‘God appears to be on Both Sides - as usual..
    It’s really just a matter of ‘the particular god or gods.. sorting out the victims & the dead.. whether via bullet, missile, tank round, disease..
    Meanwhile .. Africa - Ukraine .. & the beat goes on.. & on.. & Onward Christian Soldiers eh.. & what’s with that Kinsella guy.. & ‘what’s his skin in the game.. ? If he’s hysterical enuff to define me as a ‘Jew Hater.. will find himself in a world of hurt .. 🦎🏴‍☠️

    1. The situations confronting the world seem insoluble, Sal, and the heated rhetoric often in evidence accomplishes nothing. As you say, the beat goes on.
