If the people of Hamilton are any indication, the citizen fury against Doug Ford's brazen and corrupt theft of Greenbelt lands continues unabated.
In a meeting ostensibly called to get input into the kinds of benefits the city should negotiate with provincial minions, compromise and collaboration were the last things on people's minds.
The feisty crowd booed when Premier Doug Ford’s name was mentioned and cheered when city planners said council has formally called for all affected lands, including parcels in Ancaster, Winona and Mount Hope, to be returned to the Greenbelt.
...many residents — dozens wielding signs condemning the Progressive Conservative government or calling to protect the Greenbelt — showed up urging council to abandon any negotiations related to potential development.
Michelle Silverton earned applause from the feisty crowd in urging the city to pay attention to “people power” on display Wednesday and refuse to participate in any development talks. “This is what democracy looks like,” she said.
An inflamed electorate can be a dangerous thing for those in power, especially those not easily taken in by the strange and essentially truculent tone taken by the new housing minister, Paul Calandra, who just the other day suggested that more lands may be removed, owing to a housing crisis that he clams has changed since the last government report, led by some Tory diehards like Tim Hudak, said such Greenbelt appropriation was not needed.
And the outrage is hardly limited to Hamiltonians, if letters to The Star are any indication:
Doug Ford’s fatally flawed Greenbelt plan must be stopped in its tracks, Sept. 6
I strongly agree with your editorial, but the core problem goes beyond the GTHA and it threatens human existence. Simply put, developing open space accelerates deadly global warming and pollution and shrinks food supplies. Approving such costly-to-taxpayers-to-service projects, including with expanded and new highways, will ultimately result in more suffering. That is far more criminal than backroom deals between developers and politicians. You can build new homes elsewhere, but you can’t create more oxygen, water, and arable land.
We’ve arrived at the cusp of climate disaster because we’ve ignored or deliberately buried the science. Will officials show the courage to stop the Greenbelt plan and similar ones across the country and turn toward brownfield development or will they continue to drive us to oblivion?
Brendan Read, Nanaimo, BC
There is a line in William Shakespeare’s “Macbeth” that may well sum up Premier Doug Ford’s handling of his Greenbelt fiasco: “False face must hide what the false heart doth know.”
Scott Kennedy, Toronto
At a time where valuable farmland is shrinking all over the world due to climate change and overdevelopment, I’m surprised that the Ontario government would allow useful arable land to be wasted on private development. I understand that there is a desperate need for housing in Canada and elsewhere in the world, but wouldn’t it be more logical to develop areas of Ontario with less arable land? Fertile soil is a terrible thing to waste. Luxurious homes/condos just won’t put food on the table for Canadians.
Michael Pravica, Henderson, Nevada
The Star should start to fact check Premier Doug Ford’s comments about the Greenbelt as it did for former U.S. President Donald Trump, especially the egregious lie that “the people have spoken — we won’t touch the Greenbelt.” I counted at least 10 lies and mistruths in the last two weeks alone.
James Wigmore, Toronto
At the very least, this entire sordid escapade shows that voter apathy, at least in this case, is not something the Ford thieves should be counting on.
In the Beginning I came to learn & believe the purpose, ambition & intention of Mainstream Media was ‘gathering, reflecting & sharing with the Public, Useful, Truthful, Informative News Of The Day.. & often Valid Analysis and/or The Opinion of Exemplars within their particular Fields .. but that was Then..
ReplyDeleteToday the vast Majority of Canadian MainStreamMediaMedia’
Lies to Itself.. then Publishes their Self Serving Partisan Deceits
.. as The News.. Propaganda & Influence are now their Product
Every publication has what is officially known in journalism as an agenda, Sal, which is a reflection of their values and biases. The one that I have found consistently aligned with my own is The Toronto Star which, despite its terrible shrinkage, still adheres to The Atkinson Principles, as far as I can see.
DeletePost Media, on the other hand, has an agenda that is the polar opposite, clear whenever reads its contents and opinions.
I echo your kudos to the Star, Lorne.
ReplyDeleteI do worry about its ultimate fate, Owen, in these times of shrinking revenues and newspaper readership.
DeleteAfter reading this ‘bit of journalism’ Ms Raj lost what little trust, if any, I may have had in her.. It’s her underlying motive & that of her editorial Department that truly rankles. My question to you & Owen.. perhaps the distant Mound as well.. is
ReplyDeleteCui Bono ? The purpose of such an article.. ? What is it really trying to say.. or accomplish ? On the surface it seems a glossy & juicy look behind the scenes.. excellent tinder for the tireless CPC rage machinery.. & who knows ! Joe Rogan, Jordan Peterson, Tucker Carlson or Take Back Alberta can tee off with it.. bueno
But what is the article really ? Is it ‘truth telling’ ? Perhaps
Is it ‘balanced’ ? Not really, in my ‘tough crowd’ opinion
What kind of ‘penetration’ will it achieve (if any) in the broad scope of Canadians’ perceptions.. in combination with the daily doomsday polls that are somehow becoming the bedrock Oracles of current Canadian Identity ?
Yes yes.. Canada is broken.. we must change horses in the middle of the stream because .. the horsey is tired.. jaded.. ‘the people’ mistrust him.. maybe Ms Freeman can save us.. or some male white knight shall arise.. What ? On shinier horse than Mr Polievre ?
Can anyone explain to me why Trudeau should fall for the rancid Campaign bait of ms Jenni Byrne, her pantload of WarRoom ‘strategists’ & the ‘new look man’ for All Seasons without any single Valid Reasons - POLLING darling Pierre - & simply Prime Minister by Self Acclamation.. as his monogrammed windbreakers proclaim over his massively ‘jacked’ left pectoral muscle..
Pierre Poilievre
Prime Minister
(that tiny period is the size of the ‘4’ the stitching includes)
One is running a Country Called Canada in a truly turbulent world
the other Running His Mouth.. to the great Glee of one & all
Thus ms Raj & her 2 cents ? 🦎🏴☠️
While I certainly appreciate the frustration you express here, Sal, I can't say I am bothered by such columns for a couple of reasons.One, all columns, even political ones, express an opinion. For example, I am sure the Ford minions are outraged ever time Martin Regg Cohn writes another piece about the Greenbelt theft.
ReplyDeleteTwo, it is useful from my perspective to know about the discontent that is being alleged behind the scenes. While, as you say, Trudeau has governed through some very turbulent times (and I am glad he, not a Conservative, was at the helm during the pandemic), I do know that leaders and parties overstay their welcome, and believe Trudeau is making a mistake in leading his party in a fourth electoral contest that risks seeing the Conservatives in the ascendancy, something I shudder to contemplate. The fact that there is no apparent successor to Trudeau also is worrisome, and the blame for that, in my view, rests with Trudeau himself.
You and I are of a certain age and have seen much. That Poilievre is unworthy of prime ministership is pretty obvious to us, but that his appeal seems to be spreading does need to be reckoned with, and that reckoning, in my view, includes counter-views of Trudeau's leadership.
Thank you for a very interesting perspective, Sal. I agree it is likely a little late in the game to seek a new leader for the Liberals. Should Trudeau win the next election, the leadership question within the party will be moot. If he loses, however, the issue will take care of itself.
DeleteYou didn’t respond to my key question re Ms Raj’s ‘journalism’
ReplyDeleteCui Bono .. ? Anyone ? & If not, raises another question ? .. 🏴☠️🦎
The obvious answer is Poilievre and his people, Sal, but I am not sure that is necessarily Raj's motivation here. I really don't mind her perspective in the article which provided me, as did the link you sent me, another perspective on things.
ReplyDeleteI’ll return to this astonishing area of concern Lorne..
ReplyDeleteThe IncreMental Polling appears Obsessive in its Intensity alone
Recall how Polling Was/Is Intrinsic in regard to the pure Savagery of The CPC & Partisan Media attack upon Mr David Johnson.
‘Facts’ as we once knew them - Supplanted by a Reckless & Savage Hybrid Court of Public Opinion proclaiming, nay ‘bellowing’ !
He’s Part Of The Liberal CoverUp.. !
Once accomplished.. Poilievre et al shuffled on to the Next Target, armed with further ‘Public Media Support’ proclaiming a Major Win
This by a Self Proclaimed ‘Next Prime Minister of Canada’
who appears now to be at risk of losing Carleton Riding & unable to return there In Public for fear of being Humiliated by the ONLY ELIGIBLE VOTERS IN CANADA - who can actually re-elect him
Perhaps he can explainaway to them.. how they collectively ‘Lost Control Of Their Lives’ & ONLY HE can Return Their Lives To Them !
In Absentia of Course.. via Remote Control & Stornoway ? One assumes Ms Jenni Byrne shall Dispense The Holy Vaccine .. or will he wave his hands in mysterious ways.. & Make It So..
Helleluja eh ! Hosanna ! Bringing ‘IT’ Home !
(whatever ‘IT’ might be..)
.. & do you truly believe Mr Trudeau will ‘walk in the snow’
& allow a creep like Poilievre to defeat Ms Unelectable Herself MP Freedman by Savaging & Humiliating her ? You really think he’d allow that to be ‘His Legacy’ ? He waved a white flag .. then cut & ran ? What a field day for Toxic Media & Poilievre Inc..
Manna from Heaven.. (or HELL ?)
Your points are good ones, Sal, especially with regard to the manipulative nature of polling. I have often wondered whether banning polls in the last month before an election might be a good thing. They undoubtedly influence behaviour.
DeleteWe can see Poilievre for what he is: a snake/chameleon who, as prime minister, would be very bad for Canada on so many levels. However, I still do not fault people like Althea Raj for writing about something that is 'in the air." Just because others may be led astray by such reports is not a reason to censure or censor her. The Liberals, I imagine, are well-equipped to counter the notion that Poilievre, at bat, will hit a triple homer, and I'm sure it won't be too long before we see that strategy enacted.