Thursday, August 24, 2023

Pictures, Not Words

While a flurry of columns, articles and editorials continue to rail against the Doug Ford cabal theft of Greenbelt lands, I thought that a couple of editorial cartoons might be sufficient for today, images that effectively encapsulate the corruption and resulting pungent odour we in Ontario are contending with:


  1. Dear, dear, poor Doug.

    I hear that the OPP are handing over whatever investigations they have been doing about this to the RCMP. Nice hand-off of a hot potato.

  2. I was watching a political commentator, Keith Leslie, wonder why the OPP felt so compromised, given that several years ago they investigating the wiping of computer records after Dalton McGuinty left office. that investigation resulting in an arrest and jail time for the offender, Anon. While I am glad the RCMP is investigating, the fact that they disbanded their financial crimes unit three years ago is worrisome, and seems to foretell a long, drawn out investigation.

    1. ...the fact that they disbanded their financial crimes unit three years ago...

      Ouch, I was not aware of that. I figured they and the OPP probably had roughly equivalent levels of expertise.

      Re OPP wanting out: McGinty was gone, Doug is in office. I would assume he had some say in the current commissioner's appointment after the original appointment fiasco when Doug seemed to be appointing an old crony.

      Doug can exert pressure on the Solicitor-General who can in turn pressure the Commissioner. I am sure that the Commissioner does not need the hassle.

      After the David Johnston lynching he probably does not want to expose the service to all sorts of gratuitous assaults and accusations

    2. Point well-taken, Anon. Politics seems to permeate so many of our public institutions, much to their detriment.

  3. Why am I reminded of Boss Tweed and Tammany Hall?


  4. Te resemblance is striking, Toby. Abuse of power and corruption leave their imprint on the soul.

  5. .. I’m on record here, and elsewhere
    ‘This is the hill Doug Ford will die on’
    There was ‘no tipping off’ - These are criminal partners, that foresaw this stage of the overall theft and deemed it quite manageable. One of the Partners is capable of Legislating to ensure their Crime is Made Legal. They do not believe anyone can stop them. Doug Ford has declared this In Public & will use Public Funds to Defend the Offenders. Any Public Servant directed to work of this theft will the next victim, ie the small team involved with the bagman Amato.

    I also predicted we would discover how Corrupt the OPP is in regard to Doug Ford & his Developer Partners & they just Formalized exactly how corrupt. They too are Telling The Public ‘You cannot stop us - We are above the Law’

    Question ! How entangled is Corrupt Media in this Criminal Theft ? In particular Partisan Public Relations, Strategists, Deflection that are being remunerated by Ontario Government using Public Monies ?

    To quote an old movie .. “You’re going to need a bigger boat !”
    Do we have any real understanding re the Scale & Operational Chronology involved here ? The sheer numbers of Persons Involved ? This reminds me of the Film ‘Serpico’ among others. Is the OPP and different from the New York City Police Department in the film ?

    1. Given how politics has wormed its cankerous presence into so many institutions education, policing, medicine, etc.), Sal, it is difficult to know if there is any body that can bring justice to these crimes. I still remember the disgraceful role then RCMP Commissioner Zaccardelli played in bringing about the fall of the Liberals in 2005 after he announced a probe prior to the election into insider trading, which then saw the government lose to the Conservatives, ushering in the Harper era. In other words, the OPP's handing off this probe to the RCMP fills me with little confidence.

      And I do hope you are right and Humpty Dumpty has a great fall.
