Wednesday, August 2, 2023

A Timely Reminder

 With prosecutor Jack Smith excoriating Trump for his attack on democracy in seeking to overturn the 2020 presidential election, the following is both prescient for its time and a relevant reminder of the peril Americans currently face:

It’s not. But it can be. It’s not. THE NEWSROOM (2012-14) This is Writing. This is Acting. This is Drama.

H/t Michael Warburton


  1. .. ‘Bravo Bravo Bravo - I say it Three Times’ ..🦎🏴‍☠️
    I believe that was Robert Heinlein - Stranger In A Strange Land

    It’s an amazing clip Lorne.. seen it so many times..
    I aspire to ‘write scenes like this’ - ‘paint reality in words & phrase’

    Canadians ‘falling for the CPC Poilievre - UCP Danielle Smith
    & the Doug Ford ‘conservative’ Party.. GRIFT
    .. give your head a shake..

    Plus their embedded Partisan MainStream & SocialMedia
    & toxic & DAILY Propaganda Tactics, Techniques, Tools
    of Disinformation, Misinformation, Deflection..

    Public Service & Public Servants ?
    Oh Really .. ?

    1. It is refreshing when truth is spoken, Sal, even if it is within a fictional setting. Truth, as we know, is all too often sacrificed on the altar of political expedience.

  2. Things are looking good for Mr Trump in the early polls, and not so much for the Democrarts. It seems incredible to me that so many otherwise knowledgeable people don't realize why so many Americans are so frustrated with the current state of affairs.

    1. I am perplexed on a daily basis that Trump still commands such a blind following, Anon. The other day I watched a clip in which a woman said, "God first, then Trump." Perhaps a theocracy is what she is pining for.

  3. It's hard to find truth tellers these days, Lorne.

  4. Truth has become quite the fungible commodity today, Owen.

  5. I currently recommend Evan Scrimshaw, Fred DeLorey & Paul Wells this past month or so.. This on ‘substack ‘ .. or via their Twitter Accounts or misc web osmosis etc,, that will translate the link & open to the substack post

    Scrimshaw for his insight & heavy journalistic forensic lifting.. he does the work.. no cut & paste. I’me sure you’ve come across him, Lorne.

    Wells for his outstanding 4 Part Essay re Media Evolution & Politics, DeLorey seriously questioning whether Poilievre & his Act was a risk.. who doesn’t really even credit or acknowledge THE PARTY appropriately 🦎🏴‍☠️

  6. I shall check them out, Sal. Thanks.
