Monday, July 24, 2023

Driving The Point Home

 If you don't get this, please see my previous post.


  1. There are many in Canada that still think that first nations owe much to the first white settlers ! for the western advancements they introduced.
    We should not be so smug when calling out ,that prick, DeSantis.


    1. Point well-taken, TB, but as I have said before, at least we have made some efforts as a country to address our shameful past, something many Americans have a marked aversion to doing.

  2. I can't imagine what it must be like to be a young person today, confronting the existential problems of our time, TB. That so many are afflicted in the U.S. is not surprising.

  3. Thanks for the link, TB. An excellent article, although I don't share the writer's hope that Americans will reject DeSantis's white supremacist appeal. Indeed, I am wondering when the right will lambast Biden's monument to Emmett Till, which I discuss in my new post. I can already hear the rhetoric: "We need a president who will make Americans feel proud of their country, not ashamed."
